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5408 results found
Health topics
… you'll be asked about your medical history and have a physical examination. Your doctor may use a lighted scope to … per week, and high if you have 7 or more drinks per week. Eating foods high in red and processed meats. And having a … cancer. These actions include the following: Maintain a healthy weight. Be physically active. Eat healthy foods, …
Health topics
… of the shoulder blade because of torn ligaments. This injury occurs most often from a blow to the top of the … onto the shoulder. A shoulder separation is classified according to how severely these ligaments are injured: In a … separation is diagnosed through a medical history, a physical examination, and an X-ray . Your doctor will check: …
Health topics
… could have hurt your wrist, arm, or neck. You will get a physical examination, including comparing the strength of … care of your general health. This includes staying at a healthy weight, not smoking, and getting regular exercise. … and index finger. This can stress your wrist. Stop any activity that you think may be causing finger, hand, or …
Health topics
… removal. Why do people have them done? For many of us, our physical appearance affects how we see ourselves and how … are steps you can take to help you look and feel young and healthy. Eat healthy foods. Get plenty of exercise. Limit … chemicals into fat cells, freezing fat cells, and heating fat cells with laser or radiofrequency energy. Common …
Health topics
… Treatment Overview Ayurveda, or Ayurvedic medicine, is a healthy-lifestyle system that people in India have used for … and mind as a whole. Ayurveda treats more than a person's physical concerns. It also looks at lifestyle and health … stresses proper diet for maintaining good health and treating disease. Herbal medicines are prescribed based on the …
Health topics
… if you have an inguinal hernia based on your symptoms and a physical examination. The bulge of a hernia is usually easy … your risk for developing an inguinal hernia. Stay at a healthy weight through diet and exercise. Avoid rapid weight … truss for a hernia. These devices are not recommended for treating hernias. They sometimes can do more harm than good. …
Medical tests
… or some kidney or liver diseases. As part of a regular physical examination. How To Prepare Before the test, don't … enough fluid, loss of too much fluid (excessive vomiting, sweating, or diarrhea), or substances (such as sugar or … types of poisoning, and some types of kidney diseases. Healthy pregnant women can have glucose in their urine, …
Health topics
… that contain aluminum. Corticosteroids used to treat conditions such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary … of hip fracture is also higher in whites and Asians. Poor eating habits. Eat a nutritious diet that includes adequate … of calcium and vitamin D . Both are needed for building healthy, strong bones. Smoking. Smoking puts you at a higher …
Health topics
… of the bleeding. Your doctor will do a medical history and physical examination, along with some tests. Imaging tests … the diseased part of the colon. How can you prevent it? Eating a high-fibre diet, getting plenty of fluid, and … the diseased part of the colon. How can you prevent it? Eating a high-fibre diet, getting plenty of fluid, and …
Health topics
… Overview Most pregnancies after age 35 are healthy ones. But as you age beyond your mid-30s, some risks … midwife may recommend that you consider testing for genetic conditions and birth defects. Screening tests can show the … other resources for support and decision-making. Having a healthy pregnancy Taking care of yourself is the best thing …