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4945 results found
Health topics
… people from germs that could make them seriously ill. Even healthy people can get very sick from infections. Anyone, from healthy babies to older people who don't have health … infection like the flu or COVID-19. And some people are at higher risk for serious illness. This includes people who …
Health topics
… care provider uses a blood pressure monitor to screen for high blood pressure. A blood pressure cuff is wrapped around … change throughout the day. And sometimes blood pressure is high only because you are seeing the doctor. This is called … blood pressure at home to make sure that it actually is high. You may get an ambulatory blood pressure monitor or a …
Health topics
… your blood sugar levels, your meals, your medicine, and any activity might make it easier to see the connections. When … log or notebook, such as insulin doses, your exercise, and foods you have eaten. You and your doctor will find this … your blood sugar levels, your meals, your medicine, and any activity might make it easier to see the connections. When …
Health topics
… share the same goal. They want you and your baby to be healthy. But their training and approaches may be different. … care of pregnant women. Perinatologists , who specialize in high-risk pregnancy . Family doctors who provide pregnancy … Information Labour and Delivery Pregnancy Preparing for a Healthy Pregnancy Current as of: November 9, 2022 …
… pressure regularly and tell your doctor if the results are high. Your doctor may control your blood pressure with … as heart failure, heart attack, heart rhythm problems) high blood pressure kidney disease liver disease (such as … medical tests (such as kidney/liver function tests, blood potassium level, blood pressure, complete blood count …
Health topics
… place on taking part in sports or other activities. Some physical activities may be painful or awkward if you have … and more evenly proportioned. It usually relieves the physical discomfort and pain caused by large breasts. The … place on taking part in sports or other activities. Some physical activities may be painful or awkward if you have …
Health topics
… (how hard you are breathing, how fast your heart is beating) and muscular strain (how much you feel the exertion … people with heart problems, angina always occurs during activity. And these people must monitor the severity of the … MD, FACC, FSCAI - Cardiology Richard D. Zorowitz MD - Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Current as of: …
Health topics
… the shin. The pain may come and go. It may get worse with activity. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask questions about your child's past health and do a physical examination to find out if your child's pain is … so that the left foot is next to the inside of the right thigh. Your child leans forward from the hips, and reaches …
… likely if you have used apomorphine for a long time or in high doses. Tell your doctor or pharmacist right away if you … in the EKG, sudden cardiac death) Low levels of potassium or magnesium in the blood may also increase your … pills") or if you have conditions such as severe sweating, diarrhea, or vomiting. Talk to your doctor about …
… pharmacist. Take this medication by mouth with or without food as directed by your doctor, usually once daily. Swallow … Effects Nausea, vomiting, mouth sores/pain, change in how food tastes, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, loss of … You may also be prescribed other medication to treat high phosphate levels. Tell your doctor right away if you …