4945 results found
Health topics
… times of stress or excitement, or in times of boredom or inactivity. It can also be a learned behaviour from family … nails. Some focus on behaviour changes and some focus on physical barriers to nail-biting. Keep your nails trimmed … when you start to bite your nails so you have a negative physical response to nail-biting. What problems can develop …
Health topics
… your symptoms are completely gone, gradually resume the activity that was causing pain. If you are an athlete, do … day your foot hurts most. How active you are. What types of physical activity you do. If you are an athlete, your doctor … ice isn't helping after 2 or 3 days, try heat, such as a heating pad set on low. Use a contrast bath . With this bath, …
… (latex or polyurethane condoms/dental dams) during sexual activity as directed by your doctor. Do not share personal … daily. Fosamprenavir tablets may be taken with or without food. If you are taking fosamprenavir suspension, shake the … as chest/jaw/left arm pain, shortness of breath, unusual sweating) Fosamprenavir can commonly cause a rash that is …
Health topics
… artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery, your surgeon will use a healthy blood vessel from another part of your body to … surgical team may do the operation while your heart is beating. If you are placed on the heart-lung bypass machine, … blood they need to survive. While the ventilator physically inflates and deflates your lungs, the bypass …
Medical tests
… that isn't in the normal range may still be normal for you. High values High levels may be caused by: Too little water in the body ( dehydration ). High levels of salt or sugar in the blood. This may be …
Medical tests
… begins. During pregnancy, the placenta also produces high levels of progesterone, starting near the end of the … of progesterone in a pregnant woman are about 10 times higher than they are in a woman who is not pregnant. Some … with you in relation to your symptoms and past health. High values High progesterone values may be caused by: …
Health topics
… rehydration solutions contain the right mix of salt, sugar, potassium, and other minerals to help replace lost fluids. … rehydration solutions contain the right mix of salt, sugar, potassium, and other minerals to help replace lost fluids. …
Health topics
… Infantile Tay-Sachs With infantile Tay-Sachs, a baby looks healthy at birth. A doctor may see a red spot on the child's … your child has Tay-Sachs disease, your doctor will do a physical examination and a blood test to check the level of … Infantile Tay-Sachs With infantile Tay-Sachs, a baby looks healthy at birth. A doctor may see a red spot on the child's …
Health topics
… a good solution without your help. Teach your children healthy ways to disagree. Set guidelines, such as no … find positive ways to handle these emotions, like through physical activity, writing in a journal, or making art. Be a coach, …
Health topics
… Information Overview The thyroid gland uses iodine from food to make two thyroid hormones : triiodothyronine (T3) … to make more hormones. Thyroid hormone levels are too high, so they secrete less TRH and TSH. This reduces hormone … Can raise or lower your body temperature. Change how fast food moves through your digestive tract. Affect muscle …