4940 results found
… Do not warm up this medication any other way such as by heating in the microwave or placing in hot water. Before … prescribed. Inject this medication under the skin on the thigh or abdomen as directed by your doctor, usually every … Do not warm up this medication any other way such as by heating in the microwave or placing in hot water. Before …
… (latex or polyurethane condoms/dental dams) during sexual activity as directed by your doctor. Do not share personal … (latex or polyurethane condoms/dental dams) during sexual activity as directed by your doctor. Do not share personal …
Health topics
… STIs. Barrier methods. Typically, barrier methods are not highly effective at preventing pregnancy. The diaphragm, the … STIs. Barrier methods. Typically, barrier methods are not highly effective at preventing pregnancy. The diaphragm, the …
Health topics
… your fertile window for at least 6 months. You are at high risk for fertility problems and have had sex during … require a cut in the skin and can be painful. They have a higher chance of problems after the test, such as cramping … your fertile window for at least 6 months. You are at high risk for fertility problems and have had sex during …
Health topics
Health topics
… have mastectomy. Breast-conserving surgery has a slightly higher chance of cancer coming back in the same breast, … chemotherapy. Most women are able to get back to normal activity within a few days. Like mastectomy, … chemotherapy. Most women are able to get back to normal activity within a few days. What are the benefits? Like …
Health topics
… one reason why some doctors remove only one ovary when treating a younger woman. If you have your ovaries removed, … one reason why some doctors remove only one ovary when treating a younger woman. If you have your ovaries removed, … one reason why some doctors remove only one ovary when treating a younger woman. If you have your ovaries removed, …
Health topics
… office or clinic. External laser treatment. A laser is a highly focused beam of light. Heat from the laser damages … the way my legs look. Margaret, age 46 My main reason for treating my varicose veins is to relieve the aching and … way my legs look." — Margaret, age 46 "My main reason for treating my varicose veins is to relieve the aching and …
Health topics
… blood components that your body cannot make for itself. Treating blood loss Blood loss may result from injury, major … types of cancer, had hepatitis after age 11, or are at high risk for HIV infection. Blood testing. After donation, … blood components that your body cannot make for itself. Treating blood loss Blood loss may result from injury, major …