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6345 results found
Health topics
… occurs when food is still in the stomach, shortly after eating. Pain from a duodenal ulcer often occurs when the stomach is empty, several hours after eating, and may improve after eating. Pain also may wake you … ulcer that does not respond to treatment could be cancer. Your doctor will most likely recommend a biopsy of a gastric …
Health topics
… changes in the first trimester Last updated August 11, 2013 Your body goes through lots of physical and emotional … of breath Morning sickness Overview Some of the changes in your body will be obvious. For example, your periods will stop, your breasts may become tender and …
Medical tests
… too little body fat. The test is one of the ways to measure healthy weight. People who are trying to become more fit and … to measure the thickness of fat at one or more places on your body. It is most accurate when a well-trained person … Results Experts have different opinions. But generally, healthy body fat is considered to be: 10% to 22% in adult …
Health topics
… supply of oxygen and nutrients needed for the heart to stay healthy and work as it should. Supply and demand The coronary arteries regulate the supply of blood to your heart muscle depending on how much oxygen your heart … coronary arteries with one another. When the heart is healthy, these vessels play only a minor role. But when a …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview Stress is your body's response to a hard situation. Your body can have … avoid stress, you can build skills to respond to it in a healthy way. Here are a few ideas. Find healthy ways to cope. Try activities that reduce stress, …
Health topics
… and I never exercised," says Arturo. "And my diet was not healthy." Arturo says he tried to change his diet and his … toward 45 minutes. Today, both Arturo and Rosa are at a healthy weight. "Do I have advice? Yes, I would say that if you are trying to change some of your habits in order to control your blood pressure, you …
Health topics
… . The esophagus is the tube that carries food from your throat to your stomach. Esophagitis can be painful and … lifestyle changes. Here are some things to try: Change your eating habits. It's best to eat several small meals instead … worse after you eat a certain food, you may want to stop eating it to see if your symptoms get better. Do not smoke …
Health topics
… that isn't working properly. You may become infected by: Eating foods or drinking liquids that are contaminated with … or objects contaminated with norovirus, and then placing your hand in your mouth. Having direct contact with someone … examination. Your doctor will ask where you have been eating and whether anyone who ate the same foods has the …
Health topics
… important to know the symptoms of trouble breathing. Follow your asthma action plan to know what to do. When you have … you talk or eat. You may have to catch your breath while eating. Using your belly muscles to help you breathe. Your … you talk or eat. You may have to catch your breath while eating. Using your belly muscles to help you breathe. Your
Health topics
… Overview Overview The DASH diet is an eating plan that can help lower your blood pressure. DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. It includes eating fruits, vegetables, and low-fat or non-fat dairy …