6345 results found
Medical tests
… takes pictures of the organs and other structures in your upper belly. It uses sound waves to show images on a … on the evening before the test. Then you may need to avoid eating for 8 to 12 hours before the test. For a test of the … test. This is to fill your bladder. You may need to avoid eating for 8 to 12 hours before the test to avoid gas …
HealthLinkBC files
… with the food products you buy, and know how to prepare your food safely. Handle and prepare all raw poultry and … single-use towels. Always wash your hands: Before eating Before handling food Right after handling raw poultry … those who handle pets, wash their hands carefully before eating and on a regular basis if they suck their thumbs or …
Health topics
… is one of the best things you can do to get fit and stay healthy. It helps you feel stronger and have more energy. It can help you lose fat, build muscle, and reach a healthy weight. Being active may also help you feel better, … strength, and aerobic fitness. Get flexible. Warm up your muscles for 5 to 10 minutes before you stretch them. …
Medical tests
… through the digestive tract . After you chew and swallow your food, it moves into your stomach, where it is mixed with acid and digestive enzymes . After your food leaves your stomach, it is squeezed through your …
Health topics
… Treating Low Blood Sugar On this page: Overview Overview Follow these steps when your blood sugar level is below your target range (usually … if you have symptoms of low blood sugar. These include sweating, trembling, trouble concentrating, light-headedness, …
Health topics
… of time, usually 72 hours. How can you give support? If your partner, parent, child, or friend just left inpatient … for walks together or watch movies together. You could make healthy meals and encourage rest. You also could support their healthy coping skills, such as listening to soothing music, …
Health topics
… to enjoy life. Our topics can help you find ways to keep your pain under control. Find out more about managing pain … as: Pain Management . Chronic Pain . Chronic Pain: Using Healthy Thinking . Low Back Pain . Opioids . Safe use of … Action Back Problems: Proper Lifting Chronic Pain: Using Healthy Thinking Low Back Pain: Exercises to Reduce Pain …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … or lumps right away. Lifestyle changes that help promote healthy bones include increasing weight-bearing exercise, stopping smoking, limiting alcohol, and eating well-balanced meals that contain adequate calcium and …
Health topics
… happens when tissue bulges through a weak spot in your groin area. You may see or feel a tender bulge in the … your risk for developing an inguinal hernia. Stay at a healthy weight through diet and exercise. Avoid rapid weight … truss for a hernia. These devices are not recommended for treating hernias. They sometimes can do more harm than good. …
Medical tests
… usually affected by the amount of folate and folic acid in your diet each day. Folate deficiency can result in a type … people with alcohol use disorder , certain cancers, or an eating disorder. Folate Deficiency … people with alcohol use disorder , certain cancers, or an eating disorder. Folate Deficiency …