6345 results found
Health topics
… injury ( tendinopathy ) can cause pain at the side of your hip when you rise from a chair and take your first few … during work, play, or daily activities: Reach and stay at a healthy weight. Wear well-cushioned shoes, and avoid high … during work, play, or daily activities: Reach and stay at a healthy weight. Wear well-cushioned shoes, and avoid high …
Health topics
… that just 30 minutes a day can make a huge difference to your physical and mental health. Benefits Regular physical activity will help you to: maintain a healthy body weight, builds stronger muscles control blood pressure and cholesterol levels and reducing your risk of heart attack increase resistance to disease, …
Health topics
… Information Overview Pregnancy starts a new phase of your relationship with your partner. You can expect a … counsellor before or after the birth. It helps them make a healthy transition from "couple" to "family" or from … counsellor before or after the birth. It helps them make a healthy transition from "couple" to "family" or from …
Health topics
… touch starts with the idea that people are naturally healthy. The way people live and think may disturb their … touch along with conventional medical treatments. Talk with your doctor about any complementary health practice that you … touch starts with the idea that people are naturally healthy. The way people live and think may disturb their …
HealthLinkBC files
… oral-anal (mouth to anus) contact, getting stool on your fingers and then touching your mouth, or by putting objects in your mouth that may … the washroom, changing diapers, and before handling or eating food. For more information on hand washing, see …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care professional for complete information about this product and your specific health needs. Warning Mycophenolate may lower …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care professional for complete information about this product and your specific health needs. Warning Mycophenolate may lower …
Health topics
… in many people who get it. But certain things may increase your risk for more serious illness. These include: Age. … Getting vaccinated increases the chance that you will stay healthy enough to carry your pregnancy to term. This gives your baby the best chance for a healthy start. Getting vaccinated helps protect your baby …
Health topics
… urges even when you have only a little bit of urine in your bladder. You may not be able to hold your urine until … on fluids at other times of the day. You need them to stay healthy. At night, if you have trouble getting to the toilet … put a portable toilet by your bed. Get to and stay at a healthy weight. Medicine If your symptoms really bother you …
Health topics
… VRE pneumonia and are coughing, which is rare. If you are healthy, your chances of getting a VRE infection are very low. Even … isolation of patients infected with VRE. Even though most healthy people are not at risk for becoming infected or …