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Health topics
… is sometimes called pleuritis. What causes it? In young, healthy people, an infection of the lower respiratory system … is sometimes called pleuritis. What causes it? In young, healthy people, an infection of the lower respiratory system …
Health topics
… can manage your symptoms at home. If you have diarrhea, try eating small amounts of food when you feel like eating. Take frequent sips of clear fluids like rehydration … can manage your symptoms at home. If you have diarrhea, try eating small amounts of food when you feel like eating. Take …
Health topics
… hand. Know the symptoms of low blood sugar. They include sweating, blurred vision, and confusion. Always carry a list … friends, and co-workers know how to give glucagon. Treating low blood sugar Symptoms of low blood sugar include sweating, trembling, light-headedness, and confusion. Check …
Health topics
… when you've gotten really hungry or exercised hard without eating enough. This happens to nearly everyone from time to … check your blood sugar levels. Some tests might include not eating (fasting) and watching for symptoms. Other tests might involve eating a meal that could cause symptoms of low blood sugar …
Health topics
… need more medical care. So work with your doctor to make a plan for what to do if you or your child has a bleed. Why It … need more medical care. So work with your doctor to make a plan for what to do if you or your child has a bleed. Why It …
Health topics
… Cautions for antidepressants include the following: If you plan to stop taking antidepressants, talk with your doctor … exactly as prescribed. And talk to your doctor before starting any new medicines. Taking too much antidepressant … exactly as prescribed. And talk to your doctor before starting any new medicines. Taking too much antidepressant …
Health topics
… makes them feel. Talking to your children It may help to plan ahead how you will talk to your children about your … makes them feel. Talking to your children It may help to plan ahead how you will talk to your children about your …
Health topics
… likely to cause blood clots and get infected. You have to plan ahead for a fistula. That's because it needs at least … likely to cause blood clots and get infected. You have to plan ahead for a fistula. That's because it needs at least …
Health topics
… day—not more and not less. Pacing yourself With pacing, you plan your activities so that you can rest when you need to. … are doing—physical, mental, social—you stop to rest. Have a plan for how long you will do the activity before you take a … crash and need several days to recover. With pacing, you plan your activities and rest to stay within your energy …
Health topics
… your teeth. If you have gotten canker sores in the past by eating foods that have a lot of acid (such as citrus fruits … your teeth. If you have gotten canker sores in the past by eating foods that have a lot of acid (such as citrus fruits …