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… out of shape. They attack the brain, killing cells and creating gaps in tissue or sponge-like patches. Once these … the time, CJD is passed to a person by instruments or transplanted tissue used in eye, brain or spine surgery. CJD is … (BSE). It is thought to be passed to humans from eating cow parts infected with BSE prions. For more …
Health topics
… mix of fluids in your body. It also helps keep your heart beating normally and your nerves and muscles working as they … mix of fluids in your body. It also helps keep your heart beating normally and your nerves and muscles working as they …
Health topics
… during activities that require active attention, such as eating, talking, driving, or walking. These symptoms may … during activities that require active attention, such as eating, talking, driving, or walking. These symptoms may …
Health topics
… water faucets, sinks, towel racks, light switches, and heating and cooling controls. Eating and cooking. Special handles can help you hold … water faucets, sinks, towel racks, light switches, and heating and cooling controls. Eating and cooking. Special …
Health topics
… is wrong and what can be done instead. Discussing values. Creating consequences for actions that violate acceptable … is wrong and what can be done instead. Discussing values. Creating consequences for actions that violate acceptable …
Health topics
Health topics
… cancer screening is right for you, the CUA suggests starting at age 50. If you are at higher risk, the CUA … two children who are in high school right now, and both plan to go to university. It's important to me to provide … my blood pressure and cholesterol because I know that treating those things can help me live longer and better. I …
Health topics
… Imaging, including MRI, is helpful for diagnosing and planning treatment only for these types of conditions. What … within several months. An MRI won't change your treatment plan. What are the risks of MRI? An MRI can be loud, but the … Don't have an MRI Don't have an MRI Your doctor will plan your treatment after doing a physical examination and …
… after a certain dental procedure (scaling and root planing). It helps to improve tooth attachment and reduce … with the doctor. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. You should not become pregnant … after a certain dental procedure (scaling and root planing). It helps to improve tooth attachment and reduce …