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Health topics
… . But as we age, our eyes can no longer adjust as well. Starting at about age 40, our eyes naturally begin to lose … surgery can replace the clear lens of your eye with an implanted lens. If you are farsighted, get regular eye … . But as we age, our eyes can no longer adjust as well. Starting at about age 40, our eyes naturally begin to lose …
… have any questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist. Before starting treatment with this medication, your doctor will … Do not warm up this medication any other way such as by heating in the microwave or placing in hot water. Do not … Do not warm up this medication any other way such as by heating in the microwave or placing in hot water. Do not …
… of migraines, sudden/very severe headaches) unusual sweating weakness on one side of the body vision … confined to a bed or chair for a long time (such as a long plane flight). These conditions increase your risk of … of migraines, sudden/very severe headaches) unusual sweating weakness on one side of the body vision …
… of migraines, sudden/very severe headaches) unusual sweating weakness on one side of the body vision … confined to a bed or chair for a long time (such as a long plane flight). These conditions increase your risk of … of migraines, sudden/very severe headaches) unusual sweating weakness on one side of the body vision …
… of breath/rapid breathing chest/jaw/left arm pain unusual sweating confusion sudden dizziness/fainting … to a bed or chair for a long time (such as on a long plane flight). These conditions increase your risk of … of breath/rapid breathing chest/jaw/left arm pain unusual sweating confusion sudden dizziness/fainting …