6362 results found
Health topics
… 10- to 15-minute session usually is all that's needed. When your head is firmly moved into different positions, the … Epley manoeuvre and the Semont manoeuvre. In some cases, your doctor or physiotherapist may have you do a modified Epley procedure at home. If your doctor has shown you how and you feel confident, you …
Health topics
… for affection. But sometimes, you can try everything and your baby won't stop crying. Here are some tips that may help soothe and calm your baby down. Snuggle your baby close to your chest. Check your baby's diaper. …
Health topics
… cancer. It's common to have many emotions, or none. And your feelings may change often, without warning. You may feel like your world has turned upside down and you've lost all control. Worry and distress may seem to be taking over your life. You may have anxious thoughts swirling around in …
Health topics
… something many people use for back pain. And you can do it yourself with a tennis ball. To help you relax, you could … first, or do a few stretches. But that's up to you. Lie on your back. Keep your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Put the …
Health topics
… Overview In a COPD attack or flare-up, your usual symptoms suddenly get worse. You have more … have a COPD action plan, follow the plan. In general: Use your quick-relief inhaler as directed by your doctor. If your symptoms do not get better after you …
Health topics
… time, one of the best ways you can help them is by offering your support and showing you care. Here's how. Be present for them. Make plans to hang out, or invite your friend to go do something. Even if your friend says no, making the offer shows them you care. …
Health topics
… table immediately and do something else. For example, rinse your mouth with mouthwash or brush your teeth, go for a walk, or begin doing something you … when you were smoking. Wait until you are at work to have your morning coffee. Talking on the phone. Hold the phone …
Health topics
… may prevent toe, foot, or ankle problems or injuries. Have your feet measured regularly. The size of your feet may change as you grow older. Have both feet … among shoe brands and styles. Pick shoes by how they fit your feet. Choose a shoe that fits the shape of your foot. …
Health topics
… rehab program, you are probably taking medicines for your heart and for other health reasons. Some prescribed medicines can change your heart rate, blood pressure, and overall ability to exercise. It's important for your rehab team to know what medicines you take. Give your …
Health topics
… and Older On this page: Overview Overview By the age of 4, your child may tell you they are having trouble hearing or understanding others. You can ask your child questions about their hearing. You can also watch your child's behaviour to check for hearing loss. If you …