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1978 results found
Health topics
… wear and tear. It usually takes great force to tear a healthy rotator cuff tendon. This can happen during sports, … and reduced blood supply. It takes great force to tear a healthy rotator cuff tendon. This can happen during sports, a mishap, or a severe fall. But even a simple movement like lifting a suitcase can cause a rotator cuff …
Health topics
… You might have to make a few changes to follow a heart-healthy diet. The truth is that making lifestyle changes … for making small changes that can help you get started on healthy changes. 1. Eat healthy foods. Here are a few tips to get you started on …
Health topics
… rehabilitation. Making changes in your lifestyle. Have a healthy lifestyle Ways you can keep your heart and body healthy include: Quit smoking. Eat a heart-healthy diet. Be active. Stay at a healthy weight. Lose …
Health topics
… dementia may need this extra help. Keeping teeth and gums healthy To keep your teeth and gums healthy: Brush and floss your teeth every day. Brush the … dentist up to date on any new medicines you are taking. Eat healthy foods. Eat a balanced diet that includes whole …
Health topics
… Health and Safety, Ages 2 to 5 Years On this page: Overview Healthy Habits for Preventing Infection and Illness Safety … what problems could arise and how to prevent them. Practice healthy habits. Protect your child against illness and … you feel that you are about to hurt yourself or your child. Healthy Habits for Preventing Infection and Illness Colds …
Health topics
… Overview Most pregnancies after age 35 are healthy ones. But as you age beyond your mid-30s, some risks … other resources for support and decision-making. Having a healthy pregnancy Taking care of yourself is the best thing … and your baby. Get regular checkups, and eat a variety of healthy foods. Try to get regular exercise and plenty of …
Health topics
… job or to travel to another country. Keeping your child healthy at home, daycare, or school It's impossible to … your child from all contagious illnesses. But you can teach healthy habits to help reduce your child's risk of … lungs, making infections more likely. Keeping your child healthy in public areas When in a public area, such as an …
Health topics
… take the place of turning the person. Keeping the skin healthy Keeping the person's skin clean and moisturized can help keep their skin healthy. Help them bathe as often as needed to be clean and … nutrition and plenty of fluids can also help the skin stay healthy and heal if it's damaged. Provide a healthy diet, …
HealthLinkBC files
… Document Vietnamese Play is a very important part of healthy development. Through play and curiosity, your child … caring and nurturing way will support all aspects of their healthy development. As your child grows from newborn to … return” interactions can play a big role in your child’s healthy development. Play for babies By being attentive to …
Health topics
… It isn't an instant fix. You will still need to eat a healthy diet and get regular exercise. This will help you … avoid becoming dehydrated. You may notice that your bowel movements are not regular right after your surgery. This is … probably recommend that you work with a dietitian to plan healthy meals that give you enough protein, vitamins, and …