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1978 results found
Health topics
… baby's gums. Your baby may swallow it. footnote 2 Promoting healthy teeth Follow these tips to give your child the best chance for healthy teeth and gums. Take measures to help prevent tooth … at bedtime. When your baby starts eating solids, offer healthy foods that are low in sugar, and keep milk feedings …
Health topics
… or too little to one or more senses. These include touch, movement, smell, taste, vision, or sound. For example, a … health professionals involved in your child's care. Promote healthy growth and development Encourage your child to be … is true for children with ASD. Physical activity promotes a healthy weight and body. It also gives your child a way to …
Health topics
… chi and qi gong (say "chee goong") are traditional Chinese movement exercises. They are based on two ideas: Energy, … flow and improve health through gentle, graceful, repeated movements. Nature, including the body, consists of opposing … these forces are in balance. You do tai chi and qi gong movements in an attempt to help restore the body's balance …
Health topics
… are cushioned by small, spongy discs. When these discs are healthy, they act as shock absorbers for the spine and keep … pressure to the lower back. Sometimes a sudden twisting movement or even a sneeze will force some of the material … there are some things you can try that may help. Stay at a healthy body weight. This may reduce the load on your lower …
Medical tests
… Overview Electronystagmography (ENG) measures normal eye movement and involuntary rapid eye movements called nystagmus . It also checks the muscles that control eye movements. ENG checks how well the eyes, inner ears , and …
Health topics
… Overview Being active is an important part of growing up healthy. But active kids can get hurt, especially when they … your child's lungs, heart, vision, hearing, strength, or movement. The doctor will tell you how your child can manage … … Overview Being active is an important part of growing up healthy. But active kids can get hurt, especially when they …
Health topics
… certain ways. A physiotherapist helps you get back as much movement, balance, and coordination as possible. … can help you learn about nutrition and create a heart-healthy eating plan. Psychologist or counsellor. Emotions … can help you learn about nutrition and create a heart-healthy eating plan. Psychologist or counsellor. Emotions …
Health topics
… basic dental care. Brush and floss each day and eat a healthy diet. See your dentist or dental hygienist for … gently rock the brush back and forth using small circular movements. Don't scrub. Vigorous brushing can make the gums … basic dental care. Brush and floss each day and eat a healthy diet. See your dentist or dental hygienist for …
Health topics
… now if I don't eat right. And when I say 'right,' I mean 'healthy,'" she says. Maggie's strategies for healthy eating Maggie lost weight by focusing on one meal at … made to me. My friends will comment, 'Gee, you really eat healthy.' They notice that I get the salads and the fruits …
Health topics
… likely that you won't start smoking again. Exercise and healthy eating also may help. Talk with your doctor Your … Try meditation or deep breathing before you go to bed. Eat healthy foods Quitting smoking increases your appetite. To … keep in mind that the secret to weight control is eating healthy food and being more active. Don't try to diet. Most …