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1978 results found
Medical tests
… of sleep. The two main types of sleep are non–rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye movement (REM). Normally, NREM and REM alternate through … body functions during sleep, such as brain activity, eye movement, oxygen and carbon dioxide blood levels, heart rate …
Health topics
… A laxative is a substance that helps you have a bowel movement. Laxatives are used to relieve and prevent … which occurs when it is difficult to have a bowel movement. What are the types of laxatives? There are four … dependent on using laxatives all the time to have a bowel movement. How can you safely use them? Here are some tips …
Health topics
… ease pain in the soft tissues. Mobilization. Slow, measured movements are used to twist, pull, or push bones and joints … Stability Getting Started With Flexibility and Stretching Healthy Muscles Hydrotherapy Kegel Exercises Massage Therapy … Stability Getting Started With Flexibility and Stretching Healthy Muscles Hydrotherapy Kegel Exercises Massage Therapy …
Health topics
… negative emotions and thoughts related to the trauma. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) , in which … and Your Health Anxiety Depression Grief and Grieving Healthy Eating High Blood Pressure Panic Attacks and Panic … and Your Health Anxiety Depression Grief and Grieving Healthy Eating High Blood Pressure Panic Attacks and Panic …
Health topics
… the lower rectum (anal canal) that causes pain during bowel movements. Anal fissures don't lead to more serious … include: A sharp, stinging, or burning pain during bowel movements. Pain from a fissure may be quite severe. It can be brief or last for several hours after a bowel movement. Itching. Bleeding. You may see a small spot of …
Health topics
… treatment has not improved shoulder strength and movement sufficiently. Surgery to repair a torn rotator cuff … less likely to work than surgery to repair an injury to a healthy tendon. Risks Along with the risks of surgery in … less likely to work than surgery to repair an injury to a healthy tendon. Risks Along with the risks of surgery in …
Health topics
… arterial disease, your toe can be buddy-taped to the healthy toe next to it. Put some soft padding, such as felt … that isn't treated may cause long-term pain, limited movement, and deformity. How can you care for your broken … arterial disease, your toe can be buddy-taped to the healthy toe next to it. Put some soft padding, such as felt …
Health topics
… below-the-knee amputation provides for easier transfers and movement while in bed. Walking on an above-the-knee … on a below-the-knee prosthesis, although young, relatively healthy people manage much better than older, more frail … on a below-the-knee prosthesis, although young, relatively healthy people manage much better than older, more frail …
Health topics
… that involve forceful or repetitive hand or wrist movement or use of vibrating equipment, you have an … get carpal tunnel symptoms. But if you exercise, stay at a healthy weight, control other health conditions such as … get carpal tunnel symptoms. But if you exercise, stay at a healthy weight, control other health conditions such as …
Health topics
… sleep cycle is divided into two main stages: non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) and rapid eye movement (REM). Non-REM sleep Non–rapid eye movement sleep has three stages: Stage N1 occurs right after …