5112 results found
Health topics
… valve regurgitation, you will be asked about your past health and have a physical examination. To diagnose the … causing it. Your doctor will likely recommend a heart-healthy lifestyle. If your condition becomes severe, you may … heart, like sodium, alcohol, and sugar. Be active but don't start an exercise program on your own without talking with …
Health topics
… this "binge and purge" cycle can lead to serious, long-term health problems. Acid in the mouth from vomiting can cause … in: Teens. Like other eating disorders, bulimia usually starts in the teen years. But it can start even earlier or … long time to overcome. And it is common to fall back into unhealthy ways of eating. If you are having problems, don't …
Health topics
… and thought processes, which may improve your attitude, health, and sense of well-being. Why It Is Done Guided … even help you to prepare to take part in a sports event or public speaking. Risks Guided imagery is safe. But for some … even help you to prepare to take part in a sports event or public speaking. Risks Guided imagery is safe. But for some …
Health topics
… drinking water, call your local water company or the local health unit. If you have your own well, have the local … from other sources. The amounts of fluoride added to public water supplies and bottled water are safe for … from other sources. The amounts of fluoride added to public water supplies and bottled water are safe for …
Health topics
… for an ambulance. Do not try to drive yourself. Getting started Most heart failure action plans include the … you need to call your doctor or call 9-1-1 . Live a heart-healthy lifestyle. If you smoke, quit. Try to stay at a …
Health topics
… (carbs) you eat is an important part of planning healthy meals when you have diabetes. Carbs raise blood … insulin to the number of grams of carbs in a meal. Getting started Carbohydrate counting means keeping track of how …
Health topics
… It's not uncommon for children to have extra heartbeats. In healthy children, an extra heartbeat isn't a cause for … slow or too fast. Changes such as atrial fibrillation that start in the upper chambers of the heart can be serious. …
Health topics
… and your muscle strength. Most of the time the problem starts in the fingers and toes. As it gets worse, it moves … causes peripheral neuropathy. It is often caused by other health problems. It can also run in families. The most … can damage nerves. Overuse of alcohol and not eating a healthy diet can lead to these vitamin deficiencies. …
Health topics
… eating disorder is a type of mental illness that involves unhealthy thoughts and behaviours towards food, weight, and … or your loved one. Mental Health and Substance Use Help Starts Here: Mental Health and Substance Use Supports in …
Medical tests
… stress test checks to see if your baby will stay healthy during contractions when you are in labour. This … hormone oxytocin in a vein ( intravenously, or IV ). It is started at a low dose. The dose is increased until you have …