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2636 results found
Health topics
… Regular screening tests and checkups can help you stay healthy. Talk with your doctor whenever you have concerns … Regular screening tests and checkups can help you stay healthy. Talk with your doctor whenever you have concerns …
Health topics
… have wishes and goals for your life. You most likely want healthy relationships with your partner, family, and … may help you find ways to remember to take the medicine . A healthy lifestyle The symptoms of schizophrenia can make it … basics of good health. But it's important to try to have a healthy lifestyle. Here are some things to do: Avoid drugs …
Health topics
… adults. It's a lifelong disease. But with treatment and a healthy lifestyle, people can live a long and healthy life. What causes it? The body makes insulin in beta … things to reduce complications. Taking insulin, making healthy food choices, and getting regular exercise can help …
Health topics
… Lifestyle changes may help. These changes could include healthy eating, regular exercise, and cutting back on … is to make lifestyle changes. These are things like eating healthy, limiting things that make your symptoms worse (such … The Pill Self-Care Self-care for PMS means practicing healthy habits, managing pain, and reducing stress. When you …
Health topics
… germs can collect on these appliances and cause bad breath. Healthy lifestyle Don't smoke or use other tobacco products, … germs can collect on these appliances and cause bad breath. Healthy lifestyle Don't smoke or use other tobacco products, …
Health topics
… exercise, such as running, walking, or lifting weights. Drinking large amounts of alcohol. Not getting … strong. If you are at risk for osteoporosis and have a healthy lifestyle but are not willing to take medicines for … If you are worried about osteoporosis, you can adopt healthy habits such as quitting smoking and getting more …
Health topics
… care of your general health. This includes staying at a healthy weight, not smoking, and getting regular exercise. … care of your general health. This includes staying at a healthy weight, not smoking, and getting regular exercise. …
Health topics
… gets along with siblings and has generally acceptable and healthy behaviour. Consider whether there is a need for … gets along with siblings and has generally acceptable and healthy behaviour. Consider whether there is a need for …
Health topics
… called because a club member had collapsed while lifting weights. Tyrell found out the next day that the club member … high blood pressure. "I learned that it doesn't matter how healthy you feel—if you have high blood pressure, you're at … high blood pressure. "I learned that it doesn't matter how healthy you feel—if you have high blood pressure, you're at …
Health topics
… condition. Eye Problems: Using Eyedrops and Eye Ointment Healthy Eating: Taking Calcium and Vitamin D Cause Graves' … is easily treated. With treatment, you can lead a healthy life. Without treatment, hyperthyroidism can lead to … Learn more Eye Problems: Using Eyedrops and Eye Ointment Healthy Eating: Taking Calcium and Vitamin D Meditation …