2376 results found
Health topics
… Change in Heartbeat On this page: Overview Check Your Symptoms … Check Your Symptoms Overview Your heart normally beats in a regular rhythm and rate that's … have heart disease , heart failure , or a history of heart attack should be more concerned with any changes in their …
Health topics
… Information Check Your Symptoms Overview Chest pain and heart attack Chest discomfort or pain may be a key warning symptom of a heart attack . Heart attack symptoms may include: Chest pain …
Health topics
… fullness in the throat or chest. Breathlessness or a rapid heartbeat. Light-headedness or dizziness . Sweaty or cold, … problems with anxiety disorders. Examples include panic attacks, phobias, and generalized anxiety disorder. When you … Substance use problems. A physical problem, like heart or lung disease. A complete medical checkup may be …
Health topics
… Sometimes the cause of light-headedness is an abnormal heart rhythm ( arrhythmia ). This can cause fainting spells … spells need to be checked by a doctor. You can check your heart rate by taking your pulse . Many prescription and … in the brain, such as a stroke or a transient ischemic attack (TIA) . Alcohol and many prescription and …
Health topics
… person may dismiss serious symptoms, such as symptoms of a heart attack , as "just gas" or indigestion . Check Your Symptoms … pain No Abdominal pain Could you be having symptoms of a heart attack ? If you're having a heart attack, there are …
Health topics
… oxygen in red blood cells ( anemia ). Problems with the heart, such as coronary artery disease or heart failure . Metabolic disorders, such as diabetes . … in heart rate Could you be having symptoms of a heart attack ? If you're having a heart attack, there are several …
Health topics
… occur as symptoms of other more serious problems, such as a heart attack, a transient ischemic attack (TIA) , or a stroke . Sometimes the first symptom of a heart attack is pain in the left arm. Most minor arm …
Health topics
… baby within past 3 months Could you be having symptoms of a heart attack ? If you're having a heart attack, there are several areas where you may feel …
Health topics
… Heartburn On this page: Overview Check Your Symptoms … Check Your Symptoms Overview Heartburn is a feeling of burning, warmth, heat, or pain … the stomach. Symptoms of heartburn and symptoms of a heart attack may feel the same. Sometimes your heartburn symptoms …
Health topics
… may make you feel light-headed. You may have a rapid heartbeat and be short of breath. It also can lead to … hunger) or need to sit up to breathe. A pounding and racing heartbeat. Problems with balance, light-headedness , or … in past 24 hours Could you be having symptoms of a heart attack ? If you're having a heart attack, there are several …