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Health topics
… ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) means that the muscle of the heart's main pump (left ventricle) has become thick and … ones are: Shortness of breath. Feeling tired or dizzy. Angina symptoms, such as chest pain or pressure, which may … heart failure. It can also help lower the risk of heart attack and stroke. Medicines and lifestyle changes are used …
Health topics
… Sometimes the cause of light-headedness is an abnormal heart rhythm ( arrhythmia ). This can cause fainting spells … spells need to be checked by a doctor. You can check your heart rate by taking your pulse . Many prescription and … in the brain, such as a stroke or a transient ischemic attack (TIA) . Alcohol and many prescription and …
Health topics
… A wrist problem, such as carpal tunnel syndrome . A heart problem, such as angina pectoris . A tumour or bone cyst near the elbow or in … A wrist problem, such as carpal tunnel syndrome . A heart problem, such as angina pectoris . A tumour or bone …
… Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. This medication is also used for certain types of chest pain (angina). It may help increase your ability to exercise and …
… is used to treat a certain type of chest pain (chronic angina). It decreases how often you may get chest pain and … It is thought to work by improving how well the heart uses oxygen so that it can do more work with less … (such as sublingual nitroglycerin) to relieve an angina attack as directed by your doctor. Consult your doctor or …
Health topics
… to determine whether your pain might be caused by a heart problem. If you do not have any symptoms of a heart attack or angina , your pain is probably caused by your chest injury. …
Health topics
… following your CABG surgery. When you return home, eat a heart-healthy diet. If you have not been eating this way, … Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery Heart Attack and Unstable Angina Current as of: February 27, 2023 …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Ischemia means your heart muscle is not getting enough blood and oxygen. It is … the coronary arteries . These arteries supply blood to the heart muscle. When you have ischemia, you may feel angina symptoms. For most people, angina feels like chest …
Health topics
… person may dismiss serious symptoms, such as symptoms of a heart attack , as "just gas" or indigestion . Check Your Symptoms … pain No Abdominal pain Could you be having symptoms of a heart attack ? If you're having a heart attack, there are …
Health topics
… oxygen in red blood cells ( anemia ). Problems with the heart, such as coronary artery disease or heart failure . Metabolic disorders, such as diabetes . … in heart rate Could you be having symptoms of a heart attack ? If you're having a heart attack, there are several …