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4209 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… result in very severe breathing problems. It can also cause heart failure and paralysis. About 1 in 10 people who get … (stool) of an infected person. This can happen from eating food or drinking water contaminated with stool. …
… of suicide), watering eyes, runny nose, nausea, diarrhea, sweating, muscle aches, or sudden changes in behavior. Though … up slow/shallow/irregular breathing fast/slow/irregular heartbeat A very serious allergic reaction to this drug is … apnea) heart problems (such as irregular heartbeat, heart failure, low blood pressure) disease of the pancreas (such …
… dose. Follow your doctor's instructions carefully. Avoid eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice while taking … amount of urine) mouth sores fainting fast/slow/irregular heartbeat unusual eye movements (nystagmus) vision changes … heart disease (such as coronary artery disease, heart failure, irregular heartbeat) kidney disease liver disease …
Health topics
… help you manage a medical condition or chronic disease with diet and lifestyle changes. Image Anemia Image Arthritis and … Image Digestive conditions Image Food allergies Image Heart health Image Kidney and liver Image Multiple sclerosis …
Health topics
… as COPD, pulmonary fibrosis (scarring of the lungs), or heart failure. Oxygen therapy can make it easier for you to breathe and can reduce your heart's workload. Some people need extra oxygen all the …
Health topics
… yourself at home, you may need to: Get enough salt in your diet, because your body may lose too much. You may need to … hot and humid weather or when you are exercising and sweating. Weigh yourself regularly, especially if you haven't … and follow your doctor's advice, you can lead a long and healthy life. Hyperthyroidism …
Health topics
… on the road, and he was overweight. At age 59, he had a heart attack. Then, 5 years later, he had quadruple bypass … he found out he had diabetes. Now 20 years after his heart attack, Bob is a changed man. He rides his bike 15 to … more interesting than walking or running. He also started eating healthier foods—with less sugar, fat, and …
… symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, sweating, stomach/abdominal pain, extreme tiredness, yellowing … any very serious side effects, including: fast/irregular heartbeat severe dizziness fainting seizure This medication … of the following conditions: certain heart problems (heart failure, slow heartbeat, QT prolongation in the EKG) family …
… of suicide), watering eyes, runny nose, nausea, diarrhea, sweating, muscle aches, or sudden changes in behavior. When … severe drowsiness/difficulty waking up fast/irregular heartbeat severe dizziness This drug may rarely cause … of the following conditions: certain heart problems (heart failure, slow heartbeat, QT prolongation in the EKG) family …
Health topics
… pushes against weak spots in the colon wall. Normally, a diet with enough fibre (also called roughage) produces stool … the diseased part of the colon. How can you prevent it? Eating a high-fibre diet, getting plenty of fluid, and … the diseased part of the colon. How can you prevent it? Eating a high-fibre diet, getting plenty of fluid, and …