4209 results found
Health topics
… Ages 2 to 5 Years Health and Safety, Birth to 2 Years Healthy Habits for Kids Current as of: March 2, 2023 … Ages 2 to 5 Years Health and Safety, Birth to 2 Years Healthy Habits for Kids Current as of: March 2, 2023 …
Health topics
… for car travel. In most cases the safest way for a healthy premature baby to travel is by car seat. But some … for car travel. In most cases the safest way for a healthy premature baby to travel is by car seat. But some …
Health topics
… so that harmful bacteria can grow. Human milk helps healthy bacteria grow in the intestines. If your baby isn't …
Health topics
… to decrease your chance of coronary artery disease and a heart attack . Smoking raises your risk of getting coronary … platelets can then block your coronary arteries and cause a heart attack. Can cause spasms in your coronary arteries, which can reduce the blood flow to your heart in a way similar to that of atherosclerosis. Can …
Health topics
… diabetes medicines usually causes mild symptoms, such as sweating, shakiness, and hunger. Taking too much of your diabetes medicine in one day, not eating enough food, or doing strenuous physical activity can … from home. Know the symptoms of low blood sugar , such as sweating, blurred vision, and confusion. Post them where you …
Health topics
… ( lower esophageal sphincter ) is no longer supported. Heartburn that comes back. Bloating and discomfort from gas … ( lower esophageal sphincter ) is no longer supported. Heartburn that comes back. Bloating and discomfort from gas …
Medical tests
… to: Help find the cause of chest pain that is not caused by heart problems. Help find the cause of GERD symptoms if you … you have. You will press the symptom button when you have heartburn , chest pain, or regurgitation . You can bathe … that involves adding acid to your stomach, you may have heartburn pain and other symptoms of acid reflux. If you …
… which the body's own defense system (immune system) attacks healthy tissue. This leads to swelling in the joints, which … should be consulted before taking any drug, changing any diet or commencing or discontinuing any course of treatment. … which the body's own defense system (immune system) attacks healthy tissue. This leads to swelling in the joints, which …
… the body's defense system (immune system) attacks healthy tissues in the gut, causing symptoms such as … should be consulted before taking any drug, changing any diet or commencing or discontinuing any course of treatment. … the body's defense system (immune system) attacks healthy tissues in the gut, causing symptoms such as …
… seizures severe dizziness/fainting fast/irregular heartbeat Denosumab can affect your immune system. You may … dental exams and learn how to keep your teeth and gums healthy. If you have jaw pain, tell your doctor and dentist … should be consulted before taking any drug, changing any diet or commencing or discontinuing any course of treatment. …