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HealthLinkBC files
… can impact arteries and blood vessels, which can increase heart rate and blood pressure Respiratory health: vaping can …
Health topics
… are obese have a higher risk of: Birth defects, such as a heart defect or neural tube defects . Being too large. This … are obese have a higher risk of: Birth defects, such as a heart defect or neural tube defects . Being too large. This …
Health topics
… If you have trouble sleeping because of the itching, taking diphenhydramine (Benadryl) may help. Some home care medicines applied to the skin can make the rash worse, … If you have trouble sleeping because of the itching, taking diphenhydramine (Benadryl) may help. Some home care …
Health topics
… melatonin and sleeping pills. Other treatments besides medicines have not been studied or have been studied very … most of the night, and then go down early in the morning. Taking melatonin may help "reset" your biological clock. … effectiveness of melatonin have not been thoroughly tested. Taking large doses of it may cause sleep disruption and …
Health topics
Health topics
… before you leave, to see if you need any shots or other medicines. What immunizations are recommended for children … Exploring rural areas or those off the usual tourist route. Taking backpacking trips. Visiting people in another … wheezing, hives, hoarseness, paleness, weakness, a fast heart rate, or dizziness Changes in behaviour, such as …
Medical tests
… thermometer. Oral (by mouth) is the most common method of taking a temperature. This method can be used for children … the instructions for how to use your type of thermometer. Taking a temperature in the armpit may not be as accurate as taking an oral or rectal temperature. Place the thermometer …