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3510 results found
… of serious, possibly fatal side effects (such as stroke, heart failure, fast/irregular heartbeat, pneumonia) when this medication is used by older … trouble controlling certain urges (such as gambling, sex, eating or shopping) interrupted breathing during sleep This …
… often gives great benefits to people with irregular heartbeat, it may rarely cause a serious new irregular heartbeat. When starting treatment with this drug, your … in the heart that can cause an irregular heartbeat. Treating an irregular heartbeat can decrease the risk for …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Ischemia means your heart muscle is not getting enough blood and oxygen. It is … the coronary arteries . These arteries supply blood to the heart muscle. When you have ischemia, you may feel angina … is called silent ischemia. Ischemia can happen when your heart needs more oxygen because it is working harder than …
Health topics
… . If you have a condition such as diabetes, HIV, cancer, or heart disease, you may need to pay closer attention to … more serious. Your health habits and lifestyle , such as eating and exercise habits, smoking, alcohol or drug use, … examples in adults are: Diseases such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and HIV/AIDS. Long-term alcohol and drug …
Health topics
… Overview An ICD is always checking your heart for a life-threatening, rapid heart rhythm. The ICD may try to slow the rhythm back to … rhythm doesn't stop, the ICD sends an electric shock to the heart. This restores a normal rhythm. The device then goes …
Health topics
… Behaviour changes These may include: Changes in sleeping or eating habits or having less interest in sex. Paying less … eyes. Losing weight without trying to, or not feeling like eating. Seeing things that don't exist (hallucinations). … Behaviour changes These may include: Changes in sleeping or eating habits or having less interest in sex. Paying less …
Health topics
… cow's milk until he or she is 9 to 12 months of age and eating a variety of iron-rich foods.) Then at bedtime, brush … cow's milk until he or she is 9 to 12 months of age and eating a variety of iron-rich foods.) Then at bedtime, brush …
Health topics
… the following four processes: Engaging with the client Creating specific goals by focusing the conversation Evoking a … are: Righting reflex (attempting to ‘fix’ a client's unhealthy behaviours) Expert trap (health care professional … Toolkit (University of Alberta, Canada) Supporting Healthy Decision Making (American College of Sports …
Health topics
… angina? Angina is a symptom of coronary artery disease , or heart disease. For most people, it feels like chest pain or … shoulders or arms. What causes it? Angina happens when the heart muscle doesn't get enough oxygen. This most often … happens because of a shortage of blood and oxygen to the heart muscle. This low blood flow is often a result of …
Medical tests
… the level of the enzyme creatine kinase, which is found in heart tissue and skeletal muscles. This enzyme also can be … the level of CK can show if there has been damage to the heart, skeletal muscles, brain, and sometimes other parts of … find a health problem. CK might be used to help diagnose a heart attack. This topic focuses on CK tests for other …