2176 results found
Medical tests
… can see if your symptoms are caused by problems with your heart rate or blood pressure. How To Prepare You may be … attached to your skin. These are sensors that monitor your heart. You will also have a blood pressure cuff on your arm. … position. You will be strapped securely to the table. Your heart rate and blood pressure are checked regularly as the …
Health topics
… Overview Overview If you have certain heart conditions, you may need to take antibiotics before … antibiotics lower your risk of getting endocarditis . These heart conditions include: A repaired or replaced heart valve. Endocarditis in the past. Heart defects since …
Health topics
… hypertension (PAH). These arteries carry blood from the heart to the lungs, where the blood picks up oxygen. The … as it should. Pressure builds up in the arteries. Then your heart has to work harder to pump blood through your lungs. Pulmonary hypertension may cause heart failure . Heart failure means that your heart doesn't …
Health topics
… is severe and in danger of doing irreparable damage to your heart. The risk of surgery is justified if the regurgitation … is severe enough to threaten the health of your heart or your life. Your doctor will check many things to … you have any. Your ejection fraction (how much blood your heart is pumping out to your body). The size of your left …
Health topics
… people get during pregnancy or soon after childbirth. The heart muscle stretches more than normal and becomes weak. It may cause problems, such as heart failure. This means your heart can't pump the blood your body needs. It can be …
Health topics
… part of rehab, because it can help you maintain a heart-healthy lifestyle. Your goals may include: Lowering your risk of future heart problems. Continuing to exercise to regain your … will vary depending upon the structure of your program. Heart-healthy lifestyle Your rehab staff will give you …
… suddenly stopped taking similar drugs have had chest pain, heart attack, and irregular heartbeat. If your doctor decides you should no longer use … limit physical activity to decrease strain on the heart. Get medical help right away if you develop chest …
Health topics
… right mix of fluids in your body. It also helps keep your heart beating normally and your nerves and muscles working … such as beta-blockers, that treat high blood pressure or heart problems. It can also be caused by damage to body tissues due to a severe injury or a heart attack. What are the symptoms? Symptoms vary. You may …
Health topics
… in other arteries in your body. This raises your risk of a heart attack and stroke. Medicines and lifestyle changes may lower your risk of heart attack and stroke. They may also help if you have … includes ways to relieve symptoms and lower your risk of heart attack and stroke. Making healthy lifestyle changes …
Health topics
… is a medicine to prevent blood clots, which can cause heart attacks and strokes. It may be prescribed after a heart attack, after angioplasty , and for people who have … not work. This may raise the person's chance of having a heart attack or a stroke. A genetic test might be used if …