6352 results found
Health topics
… cardiomyopathy is a serious problem that makes your heart muscle stiff. When your heart muscle is stiff, it can't stretch to allow … check your legs for fluid buildup. You may also have other tests. These include: An electrocardiogram , also known as …
Health topics
… of the rotator cuff tendons . Partial tears are common when the rotator cuff is already damaged or weakened. A … Also, all surgeries pose some risks, such as irregular heart rhythms (arrhythmias), changes in blood pressure, and … with that arm, even dishes or groceries. I've had some tests that showed a tear in one of my rotator cuff tendons. …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Many people worry about gaining weight when they quit smoking. Most people gain some weight at … they quit, but many lose this weight over time. But keep your focus on quitting. After you are confident of not … what activities will tempt you to smoke or eat, and avoid them. It may help to keep a journal of the times when you're …
HealthLinkBC files
… for my health? Folate helps make healthy new cells. If you do not get enough folate, you could get anemia. People … who have anemia feel tired or weak, and may have a racing heartbeat and trouble catching their breath. Why is folate … growing baby that becomes the brain and spine. NTDs happen when this tube does not close completely and the brain or …
Health topics
… are bumpy, like tiny bunches of cauliflower. Sometimes you can't see the warts at all. What causes them? Genital … them off. Surgery to remove genital warts may be done when: Medicine treatment has failed and the removal of warts is thought to be needed. Warts are large. How can you prevent sexually …
Health topics
… page: Overview Health Tools Cause Different Kinds of Pain When To Call a Doctor Treatment Overview Keeping a Pain … be controlled in almost every case. This doesn't mean that you have no pain. It means that the pain stays at a level … pain may be caused by the cancer or by the treatments and tests used. The kind of pain may vary depending on the …
Health topics
… ADHD: Helping Your Child Get Things Done Actionset Overview One of the … or adapt to their symptoms, they can develop the skills needed for success in life. How can you help your child with … Write down your family's rules and consequences for when those rules are broken. Post these rules in an area …
Health topics
… Overview What decisions do you need to make about care at the end of life? You will … spiritual support for you and your loved ones. No one knows when his or her time may come. So it's a good idea to spend … For example, you can decide whether you want CPR if your heart or breathing stops. Let others know what you've …
Health topics
… Quitting Smoking: Getting Support Actionset Overview You've made a big decision. You're going to quit smoking. … Or would you prefer to ask your friend if you can call when you need support? Be sure to tell people how much help you want. …
Health topics
… Cluster headaches are severe headaches on one side of your head that happen in groups, or "clusters." They usually … symptoms and examining you. Your doctor may order other tests, such as a CT scan or an MRI , if he or she thinks … tests. How are cluster headaches treated during a cycle? When a headache starts, you can take medicine or breathe in …