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2266 results found
Health topics
… sugar can harm many parts of the body , such as your eyes, heart, blood vessels, nerves, and kidneys. It can also … periods and make it harder to get pregnant. History of heart disease. The risk factors for developing heart disease also increase the risk for developing type 2 …
Medical tests
… remove urea from the blood normally, your BUN level rises. Heart failure , dehydration , or a diet high in protein can … by low blood flow to the kidneys caused by dehydration or heart failure . Many medicines may cause a high BUN. Be sure … remove urea from the blood normally, your BUN level rises. Heart failure , dehydration , or a diet high in protein can …
Health topics
… type. A pallid spell is caused by a slowing of the child's heart rate, usually in response to pain. Some children may … a change in the child's breathing or a slowing of the heart rate. These reactions may be brought on by pain or by … a stiff body, or a seizure. Changes in breathing and heartbeat. In a cyanotic spell: The child may breathe too …
Health topics
… away on its own. If you have signs of bronchitis and have heart or lung disease (such as heart failure, asthma, or COPD ) or another serious health … away on its own. If you have signs of bronchitis and have heart or lung disease (such as heart failure, asthma, or …
Health topics
… is delivered to your muscles. Any activity that raises your heart rate and keeps it up for an extended period of time … topic Fitness . Binge Eating Disorder Heart-Healthy Lifestyle Obesity Weight Management … is delivered to your muscles. Any activity that raises your heart rate and keeps it up for an extended period of time …
Health topics
… (Inderal, for example), which are often used to treat heart conditions, glaucoma , migraine headaches , and high … often prescribed for high blood pressure and a variety of heart conditions. Talk to your doctor first about the … (Inderal, for example), which are often used to treat heart conditions, glaucoma , migraine headaches , and high …
Health topics
… Your aorta is a large artery that carries blood from your heart through your belly to the rest of your body. To do the … footnote 3 These complications include problems with the heart, kidneys, or lungs. Complications after the surgery … Your aorta is a large artery that carries blood from your heart through your belly to the rest of your body. To do the …
Health topics
… aorta is the large blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the blood vessels in the belly. The femoral … These risks include: Infection from the incision. Bleeding. Heart attack or stroke. Specific risks for aortobifemoral … aorta is the large blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the blood vessels in the belly. The femoral …
Health topics
… this group of health problems increases your risk of heart attack, stroke, and diabetes. This syndrome raises … insulin resistance, lower blood sugar levels, and improve heart function. Assessing risk category for CAD and … this group of health problems increases your risk of heart attack, stroke, and diabetes. This syndrome raises …
Health topics
… as moderate activity. That's because they raise your heart rate and make you breathe faster. For chores that don't raise your heart rate, like running the vacuum or dusting, turn on some … as moderate activity. That's because they raise your heart rate and make you breathe faster. For chores that …