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2266 results found
Health topics
… list of all ARBs. Why are ARBs used? ARBs are used for many heart and blood vessel problems. For example, they may be used if you have: Coronary artery disease. Heart failure. High blood pressure. Kidney problems. ARBs … you feel better and live longer. They can help prevent many heart and blood vessel problems. What about side effects? …
Health topics
… can lead to serious health problems, including: Changes in heart rhythm and heart attack. Headache, seizure, and stroke. Loss of smell, … Sudden death from cocaine use may occur because of a heart attack or seizure in which breathing stops. Sudden …
Health topics
… decreased risk of age-related chronic conditions, such as heart disease and dementia, and preserved physical function … Osteofit Choose to Move Physical Activity Helps Prevent a Heart Attack and Stroke Fitness: Getting and Staying Active … #68j) Canada's Food Guide Healthy Eating and Older Adults Heart-Healthy Eating Mental well-being Feeling at your best …
HealthLinkBC files
… damage your arteries over time and increase your risk of heart disease and stroke. Another term for high blood … salads, stews and casseroles Sprinkle pumpkin seeds or hemp hearts on yogurt or oatmeal If you have kidney disease, or … Pressure with DASH . Limit or avoid alcohol Drinking too …
Health topics
… blood pressure , low diastolic blood pressure , and fast heartbeat. Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. High fever. Shock … confused. Feeling sleepy. Yellow skin or eyes. Symptoms of heart failure , such as breathing problems or feeling very tired. Thyroid storm can lead to coma, heart failure, or death. Hyperthyroidism …
… nervousness, heat intolerance, fast/pounding/irregular heartbeat, bulging eyes, unusual growth in the neck/thyroid … any very serious side effects, including: symptoms of a heart attack (such as chest/jaw/left arm pain, shortness of … sweating) severe dizziness fainting slow/fast/irregular heartbeat Changes in body fat may occur while you are taking …
… or abuse of amphetamines may cause serious (possibly fatal) heart and blood pressure problems. Amphetamine-type … arm pain severe headache fast/pounding/irregular heartbeat seizures weakness on one side of the body trouble … away if you develop some of the following symptoms: fast heartbeat hallucinations loss of coordination severe …
… of serious, possibly fatal side effects (such as stroke, heart failure, fast/irregular heartbeat, pneumonia) when this medication is used by older … along with diabetes, may increase your risk for developing heart disease. Discuss the risks and benefits of treatment …
… tiredness, severe confusion, sweating, fast/irregular heartbeat, dark urine, signs of kidney problems (such as … risk of serious, possibly fatal side effects (such as heart failure, fast/irregular heartbeat, pneumonia) when this medication is used by older …
… tiredness, severe confusion, sweating, fast/irregular heartbeat, dark urine, signs of kidney problems (such as … risk of serious, possibly fatal side effects (such as heart failure, fast/irregular heartbeat, pneumonia) when this medication is used by older …