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3550 results found
Health topics
… less than people who eat meat. Are less likely to die of heart disease. Have lower cholesterol levels. Are less likely to … less than people who eat meat. Are less likely to die of heart disease. Have lower cholesterol levels. Are less …
Health topics
… of neurological conditions that are similar to Parkinson's disease but have unique features. These syndromes can be … palsy (PSP) is a rare disorder. Like Parkinson's disease, it causes problems with balance when a person walks … The symptom that most makes PSP different from Parkinson's disease is a problem with eye movement. This occurs along …
Health topics
… helps fight infections by attacking the germs that cause diseases. But just like with any other part of your body, … the body's own cells. This is known as an autoimmune disease. This kind of disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, can be very …
Health topics
… Stillbirth Low birth weight Intellectual disability Heart problems Learning and behaviour problems Fetal alcohol … Fluid in the lungs (pulmonary edema) Breathing problems Heart problems Abruptio placenta Miscarriage Stillbirth … Stillbirth Low birth weight Intellectual disability Heart problems Learning and behaviour problems Fetal alcohol …
Health topics
… pills. These pills have side effects and can affect your heart and liver, so you may need blood tests while you're taking them. People with liver problems, heart problems, or other health problems may not be able to … pills. These pills have side effects and can affect your heart and liver, so you may need blood tests while you're …
Health topics
… well as adrenaline, which influences your blood pressure, heart rate, eating habits, sleep patterns, blood sugar … illness. Long term stress can also increase your risk of heart attack or stroke and contribute to depression. These …
Health topics
… work on all three types without leaving home. If you have heart problems or other health issues, or if you haven't … your body uses oxygen. Look for activities that make your heart beat faster and make you breathe harder. Experts … work on all three types without leaving home. If you have heart problems or other health issues, or if you haven't …
Health topics
… digestion If you've ever had an upset stomach or a case of heartburn, you know how painful digestive problems can be. … Burping . Constipation . Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) . Heartburn . Peptic Ulcers . Diverticulitis . Gallstones: … Surgery Anal Cancer Anal Fissure Anal Fistulas and Crohn's Disease Anthrax Appendicitis Ascites and Liver Disease
Health topics
… arthritis , diabetes , nerve damage, anemia,  Parkinson's disease , and withdrawal from opioid medications, such as … activity of your brain, eye movements, muscle activity, heart rate, breathing, air flow through your nose and mouth, … activity of your brain, eye movements, muscle activity, heart rate, breathing, air flow through your nose and mouth, …
Medical tests
… Test Overview This test for Tay-Sachs disease measures the amount of an enzyme called … in the brain and nerves. Tay-Sachs is an inherited disease in which the body can't break down fatty substances … changed gene is from both parents, the baby will get the disease. If the changed gene is from only one parent, the …