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Health topics
… a catheter ablation, the doctor destroys tiny areas in the heart that are firing off abnormal electrical impulses and … typically in the groin or neck, and threaded up into the heart. There is an electrode at the tip of each catheter. … no longer send impulses to the lower chambers of the heart (ventricles). This controls atrial fibrillation symptoms. …
Health topics
… cardiomyopathy is a genetic disease in which the heart muscle grows abnormally, making the heart muscle thicken. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is … extent that any part of it crowds the lower heart chambers (ventricles). The thicker muscle simply cannot relax …
Medical tests
… A ventriculogram is a test that shows images of your heart. The images show how well your heart is pumping. The pictures let your doctor check the health of the lower chambers of your heart, called ventricles. This test can be done as a non-invasive test or …
Health topics
… pacemaker (say "by-ven-TRICK-yuh-ler") to treat heart failure. This pacemaker sends electrical pulses to make the ventricles pump at the same time. A biventricular pacemaker … called leads. The leads go into different chambers of your heart. If there is a problem with your heartbeat, the …
Health topics
… balloon pump (IABP) is a mechanical device that helps the heart pump blood. It is a long, thin tube called a catheter … The balloon inflates and deflates in the same rhythm as the heart. It helps the heart pump blood to the body. An IABP is usually for …
Health topics
… device. It sends mild electrical signals to your heart. This keeps the heart beating normally. These signals are painless. The … fainting, and shortness of breath caused by a slow heart rate. A leadless pacemaker is a newer type of …
Health topics
… syndrome? Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome is a heart rhythm problem that causes a very fast heart rate. WPW is one type of supraventricular tachycardia … links the upper chambers (atria) and lower chambers (ventricles) of the heart. In normal hearts, the only …
Medical tests
… Test Overview A cardiac blood pool scan shows how well your heart is pumping blood to the rest of your body. During this … detects the radioactive material as it flows through the heart and lungs. The percentage of blood pumped out of the … scan is done to: Check the size of the heart chambers ( ventricles ). Check the pumping action of the lower …
Medical tests
… sound waves as they bounce off the different parts of your heart. These echoes are turned into moving pictures of your heart that can be seen on a video screen. Echocardiograms … A Doppler echo shows blood flow through the heart and blood vessels. It can be done during any of these …
Health topics
… ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) means that the muscle of the heart's main pump (left ventricle) has become thick and … the left ventricle has to work too hard. This part of the heart needs to be strong to pump oxygen-rich blood to your … the ventricle gets thick, other changes can happen in the heart. The heart's electrical system might not work …