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742 results found
… While wearing your patch, avoid exposing it to direct heat (such as prolonged direct sunlight, heating pads, electric blankets, heat lamps, saunas, hot tubs). Heat may cause more drug to …
Health topics
… inflammation. If ice isn't helping after 2 or 3 days, try heat, such as a heating pad set on low. Use a contrast bath . With this … you alternate soaking your heel in hot and cold water. Heat alone may make symptoms worse for some people, so …
Health topics
… and use home treatment, such as rest and applying cold or heat. You may have physiotherapy. Your doctor may also give … shoulder. Home treatment, such as rest and applying cold or heat. Physiotherapy to stretch and strengthen the shoulder. … to relieve pain. Or you can use acetaminophen. Use ice or heat. Use the one that makes you feel better. For a sudden …
Health topics
… the hand and wrist when tendons and the tendon covering (sheath) on the thumb side of the wrist swell and cause pain. … trigger thumb . This occurs when the flexor tendon and its sheath in a finger or thumb thicken or swell. Bone, muscle, … pain, redness, and swelling that occur with red streaks, heat, fever, or the drainage of pus. An infection often …
Health topics
… and activity, staying at a healthy weight, putting ice or heat on a sore joint, and resting. You may also use devices … stiffness, first try home treatment, such as using ice and heat. If you don't feel better in 6 weeks, or if you have … Being active. Staying at a healthy weight. Putting ice or heat on a sore joint. Using assistive devices such as …
Health topics
… 4 of 8, Lens is broken up and removed, The probe uses sound waves (ultrasound) to break the cataract into small pieces. … 4 of 8, Lens is broken up and removed, The probe uses sound waves (ultrasound) to break the cataract into small pieces. …
Medical tests
Health topics
… the area loosens and discomfort decreases. Stretching and heat applications are applied after trigger point … the area loosens and discomfort decreases. Stretching and heat applications are applied after trigger point …
Health topics
… These are good insulators and will prevent loss of body heat even when the fabric gets wet. Wind- and waterproof … These are good insulators and will prevent loss of body heat even when the fabric gets wet. Wind- and waterproof …