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5688 results found
Medical tests
… sperm-related infertility problems. Tests that may be done during a semen analysis include: Volume. This is a measure … your doctor may give you a special condom to wear during sex to collect the semen. If you collected the sample … sperm-related infertility problems. Tests that may be done during a semen analysis include: Volume. This is a measure …
HealthLinkBC files
… it spread? Vaginal yeast infections are not usually spread during sex. However, if your partner has symptoms, they … and female condoms help prevent the spread of many STIs during vaginal, anal and oral sex. Condoms are less …
Health topics
… get regular prenatal care and regular sarcoidosis checkups during and after pregnancy. Some sarcoidosis medicines are considered safe to use during pregnancy, while others aren't recommended. If you … get regular prenatal care and regular sarcoidosis checkups during and after pregnancy. Some sarcoidosis medicines are …
Health topics
… Less often, damage to the breast's blood supply may occur during surgery. This may delay the skin's healing process. … common. Other risks of surgery include: Excessive bleeding during surgery. Infection. Reaction to the anesthesia. Blood … Less often, damage to the breast's blood supply may occur during surgery. This may delay the skin's healing process. …
Medical tests
… done when there is any question about how the baby is doing during later pregnancy. Some women with high-risk … it can be because the baby is asleep. If this happens during your test, the doctor or technician may try to wake … done when there is any question about how the baby is doing during later pregnancy. Some women with high-risk …
Medical tests
… of oxygen in the blood. A heart defect may be diagnosed during this procedure. Sometimes, a heart defect is treated during the same procedure or a later one. If your child has … of oxygen in the blood. A heart defect may be diagnosed during this procedure. Sometimes, a heart defect is treated …
Health topics
… PTSD. A traumatic event is a horrible and scary experience. During this type of event, you think that your life or … after a traumatic event. The strong emotions you may feel during the traumatic event can create changes in your brain … PTSD. A traumatic event is a horrible and scary experience. During this type of event, you think that your life or …
Health topics
… is a way to control pain and keep you comfortable during a procedure by using medicines called anesthetics. … whole body. With general anesthesia, you're unconscious during the procedure. Risks Major side effects and other … is a way to control pain and keep you comfortable during a procedure by using medicines called anesthetics. …
Health topics
… When teething, many babies drool. Teething happens during the same time that babies are putting "everything" … the chin, face, or chest. Some babies can also seem cranky during teething. This is likely because of soreness, … When teething, many babies drool. Teething happens during the same time that babies are putting "everything" …
Medical tests
… organs or other structures in the pelvis and lower belly. During the examination, the doctor gently puts a lubricated, … organs, such as the bladder, can sometimes also be felt during a digital rectal examination. Why It Is Done A … growths. How It Feels Men may feel some discomfort or pain during a digital rectal examination (DRE). Your doctor must …