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Health topics
… size for newborns. As your baby starts to take more formula during a feeding, you will likely want to have bigger 240 mL … size for newborns. As your baby starts to take more formula during a feeding, you will likely want to have bigger 240 mL …
Health topics
… or hardware failure. Infection. Leakage of spinal fluid during spinal cord stimulation. Headache from spinal cord … or hardware failure. Infection. Leakage of spinal fluid during spinal cord stimulation. Headache from spinal cord …
Health topics
… osteoporosis if you didn't reach your ideal bone density during your childhood and teen years. Osteoporosis is much … bone is constantly absorbed into the body and then rebuilt. During childhood and the teen years, new bone tissue is … (bone density test) and your risk for a broken bone. During the physical examination, the doctor will: Measure …
Health topics
… surgery (lumpectomy) , along with radiation therapy . During this type of surgery, the doctor cuts out the tumour … tissue around it. Sometimes all of the cancer isn't removed during the first surgery. If this happens, you will need to … an option, because less breast tissue has to be removed during surgery. If you prefer breast-conserving surgery but …
Health topics
… milestones Here is a list of milestones you may expect during the first six months: Expand all Collapse all First … Refuse to do some things. For example, push a spoon away during feeding time Focus when doing something, ignoring …
Health topics
… may feel guilty about decisions he or she had to make during war. Cognitive therapy helps you understand that the … may feel guilty about decisions he or she had to make during war. Cognitive therapy helps you understand that the …
… any medicines without your doctor's approval. Overdose If someone has overdosed and has serious symptoms such as … any medicines without your doctor's approval. Overdose If someone has overdosed and has serious symptoms such as …
… any medicines without your doctor's approval. Overdose If someone has overdosed and has serious symptoms such as … any medicines without your doctor's approval. Overdose If someone has overdosed and has serious symptoms such as …
Health topics
… share razors, towels, socks, or shoes with another person. Someone with no visible warts can still be carrying the … share razors, towels, socks, or shoes with another person. Someone with no visible warts can still be carrying the …
HealthLinkBC files
… their mouth and to only eat foods approved by you To tell someone if they think they are having an allergic reaction …