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Health topics
… a monthly injection of the RSV monoclonal antibody during the winter RSV season. These monthly shots can … a monthly injection of the RSV monoclonal antibody during the winter RSV season. These monthly shots can …
Health topics
… noise of daytime hours to be soothing. So they often sleep during the day and are awake at night. Wondering what your … noise of daytime hours to be soothing. So they often sleep during the day and are awake at night. Wondering what your …
Health topics
… age 3 and older often have their blood pressure checked during routine doctor visits. If your child's blood pressure … age 3 and older often have their blood pressure checked during routine doctor visits. If your child's blood pressure …
Health topics
… have your child turn off entertainment programs and games during homework. Keep all devices in public places , like … have your child turn off entertainment programs and games during homework. Keep all devices in public places , like …
Health topics
… valve stenosis when their doctor hears a heart murmur during a physical examination. To be sure of the diagnosis, … but no symptoms, your doctor will likely find the condition during a routine examination or a checkup for another health … valve stenosis when their doctor hears a heart murmur during a physical examination. To be sure of the diagnosis, …
Health topics
… serious loss or difficult life change, such as the death of someone close or a stressful move. If your life is hectic, … serious loss or difficult life change, such as the death of someone close or a stressful move. If your life is hectic, …
Health topics
… be affected. Also, you may not be able to understand what someone else is saying. Memory and thinking. You may not be … be affected. Also, you may not be able to understand what someone else is saying. Memory and thinking. You may not be …
Health topics
… Aplastic crisis is a condition in which the bone marrow of someone with sickle cell disease suddenly stops producing … Aplastic crisis is a condition in which the bone marrow of someone with sickle cell disease suddenly stops producing …
Health topics
… of stool. Surgery may be needed if cancer cells are found during a biopsy . FAQs What is ulcerative colitis? … Symptoms include: Belly pain. Diarrhea. Bleeding or mucus during bowel movements. You may also start to have symptoms … has not spread beyond the colon. Problems that can occur during or after surgery include: Blockage of the small …
… pharmacist about using those products safely. Overdose If someone has overdosed and has serious symptoms such as … pharmacist about using those products safely. Overdose If someone has overdosed and has serious symptoms such as …