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3503 results found
Health topics
… or days. Your child will need to be in the hospital for testing and treatment. The doctor may order tests such as blood tests, X-rays, and other imaging tests, like a CT scan or an …
Health topics
… use a blood smear to check for the disease. During this test, a sample of blood is placed on a glass slide, … prepared, and looked at under a microscope. A blood smear test can help diagnose malaria. It can also help a doctor … smear doesn't show malaria, your doctor may order more tests every 12 to 24 hours. A blood test that can diagnose …
Health topics
… your health and any medicines you take. You will need blood tests to check your blood sugar levels. Some tests might include not eating (fasting) and watching for symptoms. Other tests might involve eating a meal that could cause symptoms …
Health topics
… levels. Know your blood sugar goals. Get your diabetes A1c tests on schedule. If you test your blood sugar at home, do your best to keep your … will give you a goal that's right for you. Get a urine test to check for protein. Protein in the urine can be a …
Health topics
… do a physical examination. Your doctor may also need to do tests to check your stomach and digestion and to rule out other problems that may be causing your symptoms. Tests that may be done include: Gastric emptying scan. This test can show how quickly food leaves your stomach. A …
Health topics
… the sex that matches the body parts (such as ovaries, testes, prostate, breasts, penis, or vagina) you now have in … the sex that matches the body parts (such as ovaries, testes, prostate, breasts, penis, or vagina) you now have in …
Health topics
… the sex that matches the body parts (such as ovaries, testes, prostate, breasts, penis, or vagina) you now have in … the sex that matches the body parts (such as ovaries, testes, prostate, breasts, penis, or vagina) you now have in …
Health topics
… Problems with the man's reproductive system Undescended testicle Fertility treatments If you are experiencing … treatment Infertility: Should I have treatment? Fertility tests As part of fertility treatment, you may have several tests to help identify the cause of infertility. Antisperm …
Health topics
… such as hip or back pain. An abnormal X-ray or blood test may lead the doctor to discover this disease. To … your past health, do a physical examination, and order tests such as: Bone X-rays. Affected bones often look … and too thick on X-rays. Bone scan. This is the best test for diagnosing Paget's disease. You may have a bone …
Medical tests
… page: Overview Why It Is Done Results Overview For this test, the sinus cavity is punctured with a needle, and a … the sinus contents is obtained. A culture and sensitivity test is often done on the sample to identify the bacteria , … The organism causing the infection can be identified. Other tests can determine which antibiotic will be most effective …