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3967 results found
Health topics
… (AAT) is a protein normally found in the lungs and the bloodstream. It helps protect the lungs from diseases such … or 85–215 mg/dL . footnote 1 Although this blood test is highly reliable, no test is 100% accurate. This test cannot … or 85–215 mg/dL . footnote 1 Although this blood test is highly reliable, no test is 100% accurate. This test cannot …
Health topics
… diagnosed? Your doctor may check for prostate cancer with a blood test called a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test . … have a digital rectal examination. If your PSA level is high, you'll likely have more tests to find the cause. A … 65. Family history. Your chances of getting the disease are higher if someone in your family has had it. Your risk also …
Health topics
… undescended testicles. It may be done when they are located high in the inguinal canal or in the abdomen. In both types … canal is usually much simpler than for testicles that are higher up in the canal or in the abdomen. For at least 2 … Possible complications include: Infection. Bleeding or blood clots in the scrotum. Damage to the vas deferens and …
Health topics
… For example, my doctor says I don't need to check my blood sugar all the time. But I am careful to have my snacks … hip." "My vision is nearly gone. It's from years of having high blood sugars. When my sight got really bad, I didn't … hip." "My vision is nearly gone. It's from years of having high blood sugars. When my sight got really bad, I didn't …
Health topics
… your ancestors were from northern Europe, you might be at higher risk. Smoking. People who smoke are more likely to … deposits are at a greater risk for developing abnormal blood vessels and wet AMD. A diet high in saturated fat and cholesterol. Not getting enough …
Health topics
… when you just don't feel like testing and tracking your blood sugar. There are ways to handle these tough feelings, … sugars are more stable. I no longer have uncomfortable highs or lows. I am reducing the likelihood that diabetes … sugars are more stable. I no longer have uncomfortable highs or lows. I am reducing the likelihood that diabetes …
Health topics
… for about 1 to 2 weeks. Your doctor will check your blood estrogen levels and use ultrasound to see how your … embryos transferred to the uterus. Multiple pregnancies are high-risk for both you and your babies. There may be a higher risk of birth defects for babies conceived by certain …
Health topics
… dehydration, headache, muscle cramping, and changes in blood pressure and pulse rate may occur. Symptoms typically come … become ill from eating the same things. A stool culture and blood tests may be done if your symptoms are severe or to …
Health topics
… more reliable than others. The better the evidence is—the higher its quality—the more we can trust it. The information … of medicine prescribed. You visit your doctor regularly for blood tests and to check your progress. In people with … such as stomach ulcers, problems sleeping, and high blood pressure. Personal stories about treatment for multiple …
Health topics
… symptoms? You may not have any symptoms. Or you may feel pressure from pelvic organs pressing against the vaginal … support your pelvic organs as well. Anything that puts pressure on your belly can also increase your risk for pelvic organ prolapse. Things that can put pressure on your belly include obesity, frequent …