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3967 results found
Health topics
… Doing the same movement over and over or putting continued pressure on a joint can cause bursitis. What causes it? … cleaning, and typing at a keyboard. Long periods of pressure on an area. For example, carpet layers, roofers, or … to remove extra fluid from the bursa. You might wear a pressure bandage on the area. Your doctor may also give you …
… This product slowly releases the medication into your blood over a 1-month period. If you are using this … doctor or pharmacist your medical history, especially of: high blood fat levels (such as high cholesterol/triglycerides) mental/mood problems (such …
… This product slowly releases the medication into your blood over a 3-month period. If you are using this … doctor or pharmacist your medical history, especially of: high blood fat levels (such as high cholesterol/triglycerides) mental/mood problems (such …
… blurred vision, seeing floaters/flashes of light) signs of high phosphate levels (such as muscle cramps, mental/mood … your medical history, especially of: eye disorders high level of phosphate in the blood liver disease kidney disease Before having surgery, …
Health topics
… for vaginal yeast overgrowth include taking antibiotics, high estrogen levels from pregnancy or hormone therapy, or … of vaginal yeast include: Taking antibiotics. Having a higher estrogen level. This may occur during pregnancy or … use during menopause. Having diabetes, especially if your blood sugar tends to be high. Having a disease that weakens …
Health topics
… other three lists. You may need to eat some of the foods (high-sugar foods) in the "foods I like" list in smaller amounts and less frequently to prevent high blood sugar. Recognize your feelings From the list …
… problems (erectile dysfunction). It works by helping the blood flow into the penis to achieve and maintain an … using a different area each time. After injection, apply pressure to the injection site with an alcohol swab for … (such as angulation, fibrosis/scarring, Peyronie's disease) blood system cancers (such as leukemia, multiple myeloma) …
… problems (erectile dysfunction). It works by helping the blood flow into the penis to achieve and maintain an … infection) indwelling urethral catheter bleeding disorders blood system cancers (such as leukemia, multiple myeloma) heart disease low blood pressure sickle cell anemia This drug may make you dizzy. …
… in people with Gaucher disease. This medication improves blood, bone, liver, and spleen problems caused by Gaucher … headache, chest pain, nausea/vomiting, dizziness, increased blood pressure, weakness/tiredness, back/joint pain, flushing, …
Health topics
… will carefully watch your uterus. There's a chance that the pressure and movement might start contractions. There's also … or squeezing of the umbilical cord . This can reduce blood flow and oxygen to your baby. The start of labour. … risk of causing bleeding that could lead to mixing of the blood of the mother and the baby. So if you have Rh-negative …