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3967 results found
Health topics
… some types of shoes. For example, you will need to avoid high heels and narrow shoes. Your toe may be stiffer and … up or down. Joint disease ( arthritis ) or problems with blood supply to bone tissue. A callus that grows on the … surgery You wear roomy shoes and avoid activities that put pressure on your toe and foot. You use bunion pads, arch …
Health topics
… for more than 24 hours. The more severe the injury, the higher the risk. Stroke or conditions that affect the blood vessels (vascular system) in the brain. Brain tumour. … risk of this for people with epilepsy. The risk may be higher in people who often have tonic-clonic seizures or …
… jaw tightness strange feeling in your tongue eye pain chest pressure numbness/tingling/"pins and needles" sensation of … your medical history, especially of: kidney problems blood disorders bone marrow problems nerve disorders … cardiac death) Low levels of potassium or magnesium in the blood may also increase your risk of QT prolongation. This …
Health topics
… brother, or son has had prostate cancer, your risk is higher than average. People of African descent have the highest rates of both prostate cancer and deaths from it. 1 … the risks of any major surgery, including: Heart attack. A blood clot in an artery in the lung (pulmonary embolism). …
Health topics
… with a special layer of cells (the retina): millions of highly sensitive nerve cells that convert light into nerve … which allows you to see shapes but not fine details. Blood vessels (retinal artery and vein) travel along with … with a special layer of cells (the retina): millions of highly sensitive nerve cells that convert light into nerve …
… pain that is severe or doesn't go away vomit that is bloody or looks like coffee grounds chest pain … of kidney problems (such as change in the amount of urine) bloody stools rectal bleeding A very serious allergic … "water pills" such as thiazide diuretics some heart/blood pressure medications called ACE inhibitors (such as …
Medical tests
… This helps the doctor see better. It may cause you to feel pressure in your bladder area for a short time. If you are … If you have a biopsy, you may have a small amount of blood in your urine for several days. You may also need a … You may have your knees bent, legs apart. Your feet or thighs may be placed in stirrups. Your genital area is …
Medical tests
… endoscopy may be done to: Find what's causing you to vomit blood. Find the cause of symptoms, such as upper belly pain … GI tract, someone may change your position or apply gentle pressure to your belly. After the examination is done, the … away on its own without treatment. The risk of problems is higher in people who have serious heart disease. It's also …
Health topics
… money handling, reading, and writing. But be careful not to pressure your child. Simply spending time together is an … Encourage exercise every day. It doesn't have to be highly structured. The main point is to move around and … growing as expected. Checks your child's body mass index, blood pressure, hearing, and vision, and examines your child …
Health topics
… with bipolar disorder who is having a manic episode. The high energy level can be tiring or even scary. The person … take comments or behaviour personally. During periods of high energy, a person often says and does things that he or … for the person to sit down to a meal during periods of high energy, so offer easy to eat foods. Examples are peanut …