3967 results found
Health topics
… treatment. An MRI usually isn't helpful in these cases. Pressure on a spinal nerve can cause sciatica symptoms, … MRI scan. This means that you have a dye injected into your bloodstream, through an I.V. . The dye makes certain areas … into the MRI scanner. You may have dye injected into a blood vessel. The table will slide into the space that …
… may direct you to take a low dose of aspirin to prevent blood clots. This effect reduces the risk of stroke and … Notes If you use this medication regularly or at high doses, lab and/or medical tests (such as liver/kidney … Notes If you use this medication regularly or at high doses, lab and/or medical tests (such as liver/kidney …
… so may increase the absorption of this medication into your blood, an effect that may increase your risk of side … the eyes because doing so may worsen or cause increased pressure in the eyes (glaucoma). Ask your doctor for more … this medication will be absorbed from the skin into the bloodstream. This can lead to side effects of too much …
… so may increase the absorption of this medication into your blood, an effect that may increase your risk of side … the eyes because doing so may worsen or cause increased pressure in the eyes (glaucoma). Ask your doctor for more … this medication will be absorbed from the skin into the bloodstream. This can lead to side effects of too much …
… Treating an irregular heartbeat can decrease the risk for blood clots, and this effect can reduce your risk of heart … with others. Lab and/or medical tests (such as EKG, blood pressure) should be done while you are taking this …
Health topics
… chance of heart disease. An adult who is being treated for high cholesterol may need more frequent tests, depending on … and Teens Health Screening: Finding Health Problems Early High Cholesterol High Triglycerides Citations Anderson TJ, et al. …
HealthLinkBC files
… dampness and visible mould. What causes moulds to grow? High humidity or indoor air moisture levels cause mould … mould is to control moisture. To prevent moisture, high humidity and condensation, follow these steps: Install … space is bare earth, cover it with plastic If there is high humidity in your home that cannot otherwise be …
Health topics
… prenatal visit. For those who test positive or who are at high risk for reinfection, another screening in the third … six months after treatment. Anyone over age 25 who is at higher risk. This may include people who have: A new sex … of acquiring syphilis. The PHAC recommends that anyone with high-risk sexual behaviours be screened. footnote 3 Yearly …
Health topics
… Eating too much of these unhealthy fats could lead to high cholesterol and heart disease. Start with small changes … for replacing unhealthy fats Foods Limit foods that are high in unhealthy fats Make healthier choices Vegetables and … ingredient; most granolas (unless fat-free or low-fat); high-fat crackers; store-bought pastries and muffins Whole …
Health topics
… If it is cancer, removing the cancer usually relieves the pressure on the urethra . If prostate removal is not possible, surgery to relieve the pressure on the urethra ( TURP ) may be done. Urinary … If it is cancer, removing the cancer usually relieves the pressure on the urethra . If prostate removal is not …