3967 results found
… in men and in women after menopause who are at high risk of having broken bones (fractures). It may also be … are very important to prevent low levels of calcium in the blood. Tell your doctor right away if you have any symptoms … or severe bone/joint/muscle pain new or unusual hip/thigh/groin pain jaw/ear pain unusual weakness eye problems …
… how you can prevent constipation (such as eating a diet high in fiber, drinking enough water). Ask about regularly … treatment to the liver decreased bone marrow function blood disorders current infection This medication can make … how you can prevent constipation (such as eating a diet high in fiber, drinking enough water). Ask about regularly …
HealthLinkBC files
… small amounts of food more often and choose foods that are higher in calories. Here are some examples of nutritious … Nuts, seeds and their butters 2% or 3.25% whole milk, high fat yogurt and cheese Yogurt smoothies and meal … might need a multivitamin/mineral supplement. Do not take high doses of any vitamin or mineral, especially iron and …
Health topics
… If your shadow is shorter than you, then UV exposure is high. Wear protective clothing. This can include: … that doesn't wash out. Wear sunscreen, with an SPF of 30 or higher, every day. This includes summer and winter, on both … lip balm. Use lip balm or cream that has an SPF of 30 or higher to protect your lips from getting sunburned. Wear …
Health topics
… walk or do an activity such as housework. Sit down (on a high stool) as often as you can when you get dressed, do … long-handled grabbers or other tools to reach items on a high shelf or to pick up things off the floor. Use … sit down while you shave or put on makeup. Sit down (on a high stool) as often as you can when you get dressed. Wear …
Health topics
… out. Both types of surgery have short-term risks, such as blood loss and infection. Both surgeries also can cause scar … and progesterone can make them grow. Your body makes the highest levels of these hormones during the years you have … fibroid bleeding. Ongoing low back pain or a feeling of pressure in the lower belly. Trouble getting pregnant. …
… or severe mental/mood changes (such as agitation, unusual high energy/excitement, thoughts of suicide) easy … vision) If you have diabetes, fluoxetine may affect your blood sugar levels. Monitor your blood sugar regularly and … or severe mental/mood changes (such as agitation, unusual high energy/excitement, thoughts of suicide) easy …
Health topics
… or a history of sexual abuse. You may have tests, such as blood and urine tests to check for infection. How is chronic … may be used for menstrual pain or pain from endometriosis. High-dose progestin. It's sometimes prescribed for pain from … may be used for menstrual pain or pain from endometriosis. High-dose progestin. It's sometimes prescribed for pain from …
Health topics
… are often washed and concentrated. This means that only highly active, healthy sperm are chosen. These sperm are … (conceiving more than one fetus). Multiple pregnancy is high-risk for mother and fetuses. Insemination procedures … is used together with insemination. There may be a higher risk of birth defects for babies conceived by certain …
Health features
… Vaccination is especially important for people who are at high risk of serious illness from influenza (such as young … and those able to transmit or spread influenza to those at high risk. It is also recommended for children and adults …