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Health topics
… vagina. It opens the vagina a little bit. You may feel some pressure. Your doctor will look for the IUD strings that … vagina. It opens the vagina a little bit. You may feel some pressure. Your doctor will look for the IUD strings that …
Health topics
… and left: The right side of your heart receives oxygen-poor blood from your veins and pumps it to your lungs to take up … oxygen. The left side of your heart receives oxygen-rich blood from your lungs and pumps it through your arteries to … your body. Your heart has four separate chambers that pump blood—two on the right side and two on the left side: Right …
Health topics
… by the hepatitis B virus. It's spread through contact with blood and body fluids from an infected person. What are the … to your age when you first become infected. The risk is highest for newborns infected at birth and children up to … to your age when you first become infected. The risk is highest for newborns infected at birth and children up to …
HealthLinkBC files
… You might need a larger dose of folic acid if you are at higher risk of having a baby with an NTD. Talk to your … products (such as liverwurst spread and liver sausages) are high in folate, they are also very high in vitamin A. Too much vitamin A may cause birth …
Health topics
… and colour., Roasting browns the surface of food with the high heat of an oven. How to roast. Preheat the oven to 220° … and cover the bowl with a microwave-safe plate. Cook on high starting with 1 minute. Steaming in the microwave can … and colour., Roasting browns the surface of food with the high heat of an oven. How to roast. Preheat the oven to 220° …
Health topics
… of a child getting cancer from the same CT scan can be much higher. footnote 1 A child who was treated with radiation … exposed to more radiation than other people if you: Live at high altitude. Have certain medical tests (such as X-rays or … test is about the same as 5 chest X-rays. Living at high altitude (such as Lake Louise) for a year is about the …
Health topics
… When you have this problem, it takes longer for your blood to form clots, so you bleed for a longer time than … other people. Normally when a person starts to bleed, small blood cells called platelets go to the site of the bleeding. … stop the bleeding. If you have von Willebrand disease, your blood doesn't clot well. This happens because you don't have …
Health topics
… or leg artery bypass. This type of surgery redirects blood around a blocked blood vessel in your leg. So it may … leg and prevent pain. First, the doctor makes cuts in your thigh and sometimes in the side of the calf. These cuts are … attach one end of the graft to the femoral artery in your thigh. The other end will be attached to the popliteal artery …
Health topics
… gets solid when you refrigerate it. Eating foods that are high in this fat may help lower your bad cholesterol, raise … gets solid when you refrigerate it. Eating foods that are high in this fat may help lower your bad cholesterol, raise …
Health topics
… it causes the thyroid gland to release more T3 and T4. A high TSH level means there isn't enough thyroid hormone, and … it causes the thyroid gland to release more T3 and T4. A high TSH level means there isn't enough thyroid hormone, and …