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Health topics
… falls off. A small amount of fluid sometimes tinged with blood may ooze out of the navel area. It is normal for this … falls off. A small amount of fluid sometimes tinged with blood may ooze out of the navel area. It is normal for this …
Health topics
… small insects that live on humans and survive by feeding on blood. Yeast infection (cutaneous candidiasis), which may … small insects that live on humans and survive by feeding on blood. Yeast infection (cutaneous candidiasis), which may …
Health topics
… is removed, you may need to take medicine to regulate your blood sugar. You may also need enzyme supplements to help … is removed, you may need to take medicine to regulate your blood sugar. You may also need enzyme supplements to help …
Health topics
… Reduced fitness. Bone loss. Poor circulation that leads to blood clots. Low self-esteem. Relying more on others for … Reduced fitness. Bone loss. Poor circulation that leads to blood clots. Low self-esteem. Relying more on others for …
Health topics
… ancestry. In some women, hirsutism may be the result of higher-than-normal levels of male hormones, called … hair growth. How is it treated? Your doctor may want to do blood tests or other tests to find out if a medical problem … ancestry. In some women, hirsutism may be the result of higher-than-normal levels of male hormones, called …
Health topics
… to have a C-section, your risk of infection is slightly higher than if you just had a C-section. Health Tools Health … have a trial of labour and end up having a C-section have a higher risk of infection. This means that the risk of … The risks of caesarean delivery include: Infections. Pain. Blood loss that requires a blood transfusion . Genital or …
Health topics
… problems started when you began taking a new medicine or a higher dose of a medicine. Yes Medicine may be causing … sooner. Medicines you take . Certain medicines, such as blood thinners (anticoagulants), medicines that suppress the … problems started when you began taking a new medicine or a higher dose of a medicine. Yes Medicine may be causing …
Health topics
… changes appeared after you began using a new medicine or a higher dose of a medicine. Yes Medicine may be causing skin … sooner. Medicines you take . Certain medicines, such as blood thinners (anticoagulants), medicines that suppress the … changes appeared after you began using a new medicine or a higher dose of a medicine. Yes Medicine may be causing skin …
Health topics
… inside the catheter. The doctor puts the catheter into a blood vessel in your groin. You will get a shot to numb the … goes in. Then the doctor moves the catheter through the blood vessel to a lower chamber of your heart. The doctor … bleeding, or bruising may happen soon after the procedure. Blood clots may form in your arms, causing a lot of …
… bleeding unexplained ovarian cysts or enlarged ovaries blood clots stroke certain heart diseases (such as heart … medication with others. Lab and/or medical tests (such as blood hormone tests such as estradiol levels, vaginal … bleeding unexplained ovarian cysts or enlarged ovaries blood clots stroke certain heart diseases (such as heart …