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Health topics
… trauma. Or they're things that make a child feel like their home isn't safe or stable. Some examples of ACEs include … have physical or mental health problems. It just means that your risk for those things is higher. There are things you can do to reduce the effects of …
Health topics
… a Croup Attack Actionset Overview Using techniques to help your child control symptoms of croup can help prevent the … clinic or emergency room. These techniques focus on keeping your child's airway open to make breathing easier. Keep calm … croup episode? A croup attack usually can be managed at home. To help manage your child's episode of croup: Keep …
Health topics
… A metered-dose inhaler lets you breathe medicine into your lungs quickly. Inhaled medicine works faster than the … increase the chance that the medicine will get into your bloodstream. This may make it more likely that you will have … increase the chance that the medicine will get into your bloodstream. This may make it more likely that you will have …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … cough, fever) chest pain sudden severe bleeding black/bloody stools vomit that contains blood or looks like coffee … (such as kidney and liver function tests, heart rate, blood pressure, a blood test for muscle problems called creatine …
Health topics
… based on a medical history and physical examination. Your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms, … have recently eaten, and your work and home environments. A blood test or spinal fluid test may be done to confirm the … at risk of becoming sick with severe listeriosis. Those at high risk include people with weakened immune systems, …
Health topics
… is a way to relax and socialize. But if you are watching your weight or just are concerned with healthy eating, … when you eat out that you would if you were eating at home. This doesn't mean that you have to give up ordering … dressings. Order hamburgers and sandwiches without the high-fat extras, such as cheese and bacon. Choose leaner …
Health topics
… With heavy menstrual periods (also called menorrhagia), your bleeding may be heavier or last longer than normal. You may: Pass large blood clots and soak through your pads or tampons often … wall of the uterus. Some bleeding disorders that prevent blood from clotting properly. A copper IUD. Certain …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … fainting seizure This medication may rarely make your blood sugar rise, which can cause or worsen diabetes. Tell your doctor right away if you have symptoms of high blood sugar such as increased thirst/urination. If you …
Health topics
… Overview Spinal manipulation is a treatment that uses pressure on a joint of the spine to improve pain and … very rare. If you have tight muscles or muscles that spasm, your health care provider may first use heat, ultrasound, or … health professional uses their hands or a device to apply pressure to an area of your spine. Some people call this …
Health topics
… Learning Center Learn about the brain and nervous system Your brain and your nervous system work together to help you … Pregnancy and Epilepsy Pregnancy: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Pressure Injuries From Scuba Diving Progressive Muscle … Emission Tomography (PET) Seizure Medicine Levels in Blood Test Self-Test for Breath Alcohol Single Photon …