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4980 results found
Health topics
… Summary Get the facts Your options Take insulin to keep blood sugar levels under control. Don't take insulin. Try … use it the way it's supposed to, your blood sugar gets too high. This can be serious or even life-threatening. How is … while taking some diabetes medicines. You are at risk for high blood sugar emergencies, which can be life-threatening. …
Health topics
… and the elderly. Why It Is Used Chromium helps to move blood sugar (glucose) from the bloodstream into the cells to … loss of calcium, so it may help prevent bone loss in women during menopause. Risks The chromium found in foods will not … interfere with the absorption of chromium. Being exposed to high levels of chromium on the job (such as in metallurgy …
Medical tests
… specific instructions. If you take a medicine that prevents blood clots, your doctor may tell you to stop taking it … keep taking it. (These medicines include aspirin and other blood thinners.) Make sure that you understand exactly what … It can help keep fluid from building up again. A tight (pressure) bandage will be placed over the site to reduce …
Health topics
… a choice of where to deliver your baby. Unless you have a high-risk pregnancy , you can decide to have your baby in a … hospitals have different rules about who can be in the room during the birth. Most hospitals allow visitors during … members. Birthing centres are not recommended if you have a high-risk pregnancy. Emergency equipment and options for …
Health topics
… diagnosed? Your doctor may check for prostate cancer with a blood test called a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test . … have a digital rectal examination. If your PSA level is high, you'll likely have more tests to find the cause. A … Most people don't know they have it until it is found during a regular medical examination. When there are …
… Paget's disease, postmenopausal osteoporosis) and to reduce high blood levels of calcium. Calcitonin is a man-made hormone … history, especially of: low level of calcium in the blood During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …
Medical tests
… Test Overview A chemistry screen is a blood test that measures the levels of several substances in … plan or lifestyle. To look for problems, such as a low or high blood glucose level that may be causing a specific … medicines with water the morning of the test. Do not eat high-fat foods the night before the test. Do not drink …
Medical tests
… the bladder and urethra. Follow up on other problems found during a different test such as a CT scan of the urinary … and how soon to do it. If you take a medicine that prevents blood clots, your doctor may tell you to stop taking it … If the contrast material is injected with too much pressure, there is some chance of damage to the bladder or …
Health topics
… colour after a few years. Port-wine stains are caused by blood vessels that do not develop normally. They can be … away on their own and most darken, thicken, and form bumps during adulthood. Port-wine stains may become more obvious … Ulceration can be very painful. If this happens, apply pressure to the area continuously with a clean pad for 10 …
Health topics
… If someone you live with gets chickenpox, your risk is even higher because of the close contact. What are the symptoms? … especially important for pregnant women, since chickenpox during pregnancy can cause birth defects or serious newborn … risk of more serious problems from chickenpox. This higher-risk group includes newborns, teenagers, …