4980 results found
Health topics
… and physical examination, your doctor may do: A complete blood count (CBC). An erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) … rheumatica . Thyroid hormone tests to check for low or high thyroid gland activity. Thyroid problems can cause … soreness. A blood calcium level test to check for a low or high calcium level. A low level can cause muscle cramps. A …
Health topics
… trochanter of the hip and the muscles and tendons of the thighs and buttock. Bursitis can affect many of the bursae … bursitis can be caused by an acute injury, prolonged pressure on a bursa, or activities that require repeated … outside of the thigh to the knee area. Pain may be worse during activities such as walking, running, or sitting …
Healthy eating
… little fibre can make their symptoms worse. If you eat a higher fiber diet, try decreasing the amount of fiber and … limit them and eat foods with soluble fibre instead. Avoid high fat foods and snacks. Eating too much fat at one time may cause cramping and diarrhea. Examples of high fat foods include higher fat cheese, whipping cream, …
… your specific health needs. Uses Sevelamer is used to lower high blood phosphorus (phosphate) levels in patients who are on … drugs, nonprescription drugs, and herbal products). During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …
… as angina, heart attack, fast/irregular heartbeat) low blood pressure glaucoma seizures enlarged prostate breathing … and lightheadedness can increase the risk of falling. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …
Health topics
… for children under 6 months old and for children at high risk for complications. But ear infections often get … than a week. In severe cases, too much fluid can increase pressure on the eardrum until it ruptures and the fluid … child's eardrum has burst, or fluid that looks like pus or blood is draining from the ear. Your child has an object …
… may rarely cause serious (sometimes fatal) problems from blood clots (such as deep vein thrombosis, heart attack, … doctor. Tell your doctor right away if you have symptoms of high blood sugar, such as increased thirst/urination. Your … should have regular complete physical exams including blood pressure, breast exam, pelvic exam, and screening for …
Health topics
… lining of the lower rectum (anal canal) that causes pain during bowel movements. Anal fissures don't lead to more … Itching. Bleeding. You may see a small spot of bright red blood on toilet tissue or a few drops in the toilet bowl. … and whole grains in your diet each day. These foods are high in fibre. Drink plenty of fluids. If you have kidney, …
… go away muscle weakness extreme drowsiness signs of low blood sugar (such as sudden sweating, shaking, fast … to a bacteria called C. difficile. This condition may occur during treatment or weeks to months after treatment has … suppression, G6PD deficiency) mineral imbalances (such as high level of potassium or low level of sodium in the blood) …
Health topics
… Your body needs iron to make hemoglobin, the part of your blood that carries oxygen to all of your cells. But when … storing iron in the body. When iron levels are dangerously high, organ and tissue damage can happen. What causes it? … of extra iron through blood from their menstrual cycles and during pregnancy. What are the symptoms? Symptoms often …