4980 results found
Health topics
… you urinate. Other symptoms of BPS include: Urinating often during the day and night. Feeling pressure, discomfort, and a persistent urge to urinate. … include: Urinating often during the day and night. Feeling pressure, discomfort, and a persistent urge to urinate. …
Health topics
… leg veins are weakened and cannot efficiently move the blood back toward the heart. Pooled blood and fluid in the lower legs then leads to tissue … blood circulate back toward your heart. Elevate your legs during sleep. While you are sleeping, you can help your …
Health topics
… of one or both of the carotid arteries , which supply blood to your brain. These arteries can be narrowed and … Aspirin or other medicine to prevent blood clots. Blood pressure medicines. These help prevent the damage to blood … each year, and about 99 will not. Your stroke risk may be higher based on things like your age and health. Your doctor …
… barrier method (latex or polyurethane condoms/dental dams) during sexual activity as directed by your doctor. Do not … toothbrushes, and razors) that may have contacted blood or other body fluids. Consult your doctor or … problems (including hepatitis B or C infection) low blood pressure This drug may make you dizzy. Alcohol or marijuana …
… This medication may rarely increase calcium in your blood. Tell your doctor right away if any of these symptoms of high calcium occur: unusual tiredness mental/mood changes … while you use this product. Ask your doctor for details. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …
Health topics
… lose short-term memories. A blackout is a type of amnesia . During a blackout, you may function normally. People around … or drugs, a head injury from a fall when you were drunk or high, or a seizure . You probably will not remember hurting … or drugs, a head injury from a fall when you were drunk or high, or a seizure . You probably will not remember hurting …
… (such as pelvic pain, painful menstrual cramps, and pain during/after sex). This medication is also used by children … Children using nafarelin may be at risk for increased pressure around the brain (intracranial hypertension). Get … family history of osteoporosis polycystic ovarian disease high cholesterol/triglyceride levels seizures mental/mood …
Health topics
… Feeling a need to be perfect. Feeling social or cultural pressure about thinness or weight. Having a poor body image. … Here are some things you can do to take care of yourself during recovery from an eating disorder. Stick to your … the person. Trust that they have developed their own high values, ideals, and standards. Encourage …
Health topics
… The transplant can use stem cells that come from your own blood or bone marrow. Or they can come from another person. … disease . This is a serious liver problem caused by the high dose of chemotherapy or radiation given before a … disease . This is a serious liver problem caused by the high dose of chemotherapy or radiation given before a …
Health topics
… Talk to your doctor before you try either heat or cold during chemotherapy or radiation treatments. Be careful when … skin. Don't use heat or cold in an area where you have poor blood flow. Gentle massage Simple touch or gentle massage … Radiation. It can destroy cancer growths and relieve pressure on organs and nerves. Radiofrequency ablation. This …