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Health topics
… same time. How it is done Your doctor will remove the IUD during an office visit. You may be asked to take a pain … vagina. It opens the vagina a little bit. You may feel some pressure. Your doctor will look for the IUD strings that … vagina. It opens the vagina a little bit. You may feel some pressure. Your doctor will look for the IUD strings that …
Health topics
… diabetes. When you use a pump, you will need to check your blood sugar many times a day or use a continuous glucose … When you need extra insulin to cover a meal or to correct high blood sugar, you tell the pump to give you a small dose … pump than with injections. Your blood sugar could get too high if something goes wrong with the catheter or pump …
Health topics
… disc can occur from: A sudden, heavy strain or increased pressure to the lower back. Sometimes a sudden twisting … discs from absorbing all the nutrients they need from the blood. This can make an injured disc more likely. Being … start in the buttock or behind the knee and extend to the thigh, ankle, or foot. Pain in the front of the thigh. Severe …
… Some people taking amantadine have fallen asleep suddenly during their usual daily activities (such as talking on the … (peripheral edema) heart problems (such as heart failure) blood pressure problems (such as dizziness when standing) kidney …
Health topics
… Don't let your child ignore or "play through" it. Avoid high-risk activities. Some activities are so high-risk that child health experts warn strongly against … To prevent this, teach your child these tips. Do activities during the coolest parts of the day. Drink water throughout …
… 1 week. Inject the medication under the skin of the hip, thigh, abdomen, or back of the upper arm. Do not inject into a vein. After pulling out the needle, apply gentle pressure on the injection site. Do not rub the area. Discard … drugs, nonprescription drugs, and herbal products). During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …
Health topics
… and cause pain. Too much swelling inside the cast can cause pressure that can harm you. To help reduce swelling: Prop up … wiggle them every now and then. This helps move the blood and fluids in the injured limb. Take non-steroidal … may include: Pain in the arm, calf, back of the knee, thigh, or groin. Redness and swelling in the arm, leg, or …
… triglycerides) and raise "good" cholesterol (HDL) in the blood. It belongs to a group of drugs known as "statins." It … this medication even if you feel well. Most people with high cholesterol or triglycerides do not feel sick. It is … your doctor right away if you develop any of these symptoms during treatment and if these symptoms last after your …
… side effects, including: symptoms of a low magnesium blood level (such as muscle spasms, irregular heartbeat, … to a bacteria called C. difficile. This condition may occur during treatment or weeks to months after treatment has … your risk for bone fractures, especially with longer use, higher doses, and in older adults. Talk with your doctor or …
… triglycerides) and raise "good" cholesterol (HDL) in the blood. It belongs to a group of drugs known as "statins." It … this medication even if you feel well. Most people with high cholesterol or triglycerides do not feel sick. It is … your doctor right away if you develop any of these symptoms during treatment and if these symptoms last after your …