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Health topics
… conditions. Your recovery will take at least 4 to 6 weeks. During your recovery from CABG surgery, your life will … small meals. Have swelling in your arm or leg where blood vessels were removed. You have incisions there as well as missing blood vessels that your surgeon used to bypass your coronary …
Health topics
… is a condition that runs in families. It causes very high levels of cholesterol . This condition can cause a … a disorder. For example, your doctor may check for: Very high cholesterol levels. For example, LDL cholesterol might … mmol/L or more for an adult. footnote 1 A family history of high cholesterol. A family history of early coronary artery …
Health topics
… (BBT) , and your luteinizing hormone (LH) changes. During the 5 to 6 days before and on the day of ovulation, … that ovulation is approaching by testing your urine for high LH with a home ovulation test. Note that an LH surge … that ovulation is approaching by testing your urine for high LH with a home ovulation test. Note that an LH surge …
Health topics
… more flexible, you will find it easier to reach things on high shelves, look under a bed, or even tie your shoes. You … arms, your back, your hips, the front and back of your thighs, and your calves. When you stretch your muscles: Do it … going fast or making sudden movements. Don't push or bounce during a stretch. Hold each stretch for at least 15 to 30 …
Health topics
… have your child turn off entertainment programs and games during homework. Keep all devices in public places , like … of which apps and programs your child uses and when. Choose high-quality content. It can help your child learn life … succeed in school. But be aware that much content is not high-quality, even if it's labelled "educational." Some …
Health topics
… and medical history with you. If your child's BMI has been high on the growth chart from birth, this may be his or her … BMI pattern has suddenly jumped from a lower range to a higher range on the growth chart, your child may be at risk … risk of having too much body fat. For instance, before and during puberty it is normal for children to have a …
Health topics
… good decisions. Parents know that the choices children make during the teen years can have an impact on much of their … huge responsibility that should not be taken lightly. Feel pressured to have sex. Talk about dating and sex early, … as trust and respect for each other. Find a career. Before high school ends, some teens will have a good start on …
Health topics
… Doing the same movement over and over or putting continued pressure on a joint can cause bursitis. What causes it? … cleaning, and typing at a keyboard. Long periods of pressure on an area. For example, carpet layers, roofers, or … to remove extra fluid from the bursa. You might wear a pressure bandage on the area. Your doctor may also give you …
Health topics
… your child may have some minor discomfort and a feeling of pressure or fullness in the ears. Your child may say that … the medicine is gone. Ear tubes: Your child will be asleep during the procedure. A small hole will be made in each … fluid from the middle ear and improve hearing. Can relieve pressure and pain in the middle ear. Can prevent future …
… at the corner of your eye (near the nose) and apply gentle pressure. This will prevent the medication from draining … that requires clear vision until you can do it safely. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when … other NSAID medications (such as aspirin, ibuprofen) blood thinners (such as warfarin, heparin) If your doctor …