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Health topics
… the wheels. Have a secure shoulder harness, lap belt, and a high back. A child should be able to fall asleep and be well … such as recreational paths. Do not ride with your child during bad weather. Never carry infants in backpacks or … the wheels. Have a secure shoulder harness, lap belt, and a high back. A child should be able to fall asleep and be well …
Health topics
… same. But afterward, males most often have the advantage. During these years of rapid physical growth, adolescents may … Many children become less active as they enter middle and high school and as organized sport activities become more … Many children become less active as they enter middle and high school and as organized sport activities become more …
Health topics
… Animal phobias, such as being afraid of spiders or dogs. Blood-injection-injury phobias, such as being afraid of … a phobia of heights, you might first imagine yourself in a high place, such as a balcony on the 10th floor of a … a phobia of heights, you might first imagine yourself in a high place, such as a balcony on the 10th floor of a …
Health topics
… It Works Risks Treatment Overview Radiation therapy uses high energy rays, such as X-rays, to destroy cancer cells … a tumour, such as with bladder cancer. Or it may be given during surgery or while you are getting chemotherapy. Or it … our content . … Treatment Overview Radiation therapy uses high energy rays, such as X-rays, to destroy cancer cells …
Health topics
… a fish hook from an eye, eyelid, or near an eye. Do not put pressure on the eye. Cover the eye and fish hook with a … prevents the hook from moving. Be very careful not to put pressure on the hook or the eye. If possible, cover the … a fish hook from an eye, eyelid, or near an eye. Do not put pressure on the eye. Cover the eye and fish hook with a …
… your dentures. Continue to consult your dentist regularly during the fitting process. Follow your dentist's … area where this drug will be applied severe infection with high fever heart problems (such as slow/irregular heartbeat, … block) severe shock liver disease kidney disease a certain blood disorder (methemoglobinemia) This drug may make you …
… factor complex. Factors are proteins normally found in the blood that help the blood to thicken (clot) and stop any bleeding. People with … Some products are used to prevent excessive bleeding during and after surgery in patients with von Willebrand …
… lymphoma (CTCL), a type of cancer that affects the skin and blood and sometimes the lymph nodes and other organs. CTCL is caused by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal white blood cells in the skin. This drug is used in a procedure … is injected into your collected white blood cells during photopheresis by a health care professional. This …
Health topics
… a problem such as hip or back pain. An abnormal X-ray or blood test may lead the doctor to discover this disease. To … an enzyme made by bone. If the level of this enzyme is high, your doctor will want to do other tests. You might … an enzyme made by bone. If the level of this enzyme is high, your doctor will want to do other tests. You might …
… and severe nausea and vomiting. Nerve problems may occur during treatment or weeks after stopping treatment. Your risk of these problems increases with higher doses or longer treatment with cisplatin. Tell your … marrow function, an effect that may lead to a low number of blood cells such as red cells, white cells, and platelets. …