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Health topics
… In most cases, any correction of the curve that occurred during bracing is lost, and the curve returns to its … that extends to the neck. The CTLSO is used to treat curves high in the upper back, such as kyphosis (hunchback). TLSO, … that extends to the neck. The CTLSO is used to treat curves high in the upper back, such as kyphosis (hunchback). TLSO, …
… in men and in women after menopause who are at high risk of having broken bones (fractures). It may also be … that you take the directed amount of calcium and vitamin D during the 2 weeks after your zoledronic acid dose. Vitamin … are very important to prevent low levels of calcium in the blood. Tell your doctor right away if you have any symptoms …
Health topics
… or leg artery bypass. This type of surgery redirects blood around a blocked blood vessel in your leg. So it may … may be a man-made blood vessel. You will probably be asleep during the surgery. But it also can be done while you are … leg and prevent pain. First, the doctor makes cuts in your thigh and sometimes in the side of the calf. These cuts are …
Health topics
… occurs without pressing or stimulating the nipple. Fluid or blood from a nipple is a concern, except during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Galactorrhea is one type … from only one nipple (unilateral), or one that looks like blood. Breast Problems Premenstrual …
Health topics
… was a scrapbook of photos from camping trips they'd taken during their marriage. One showed Jerry and Laura atop a … and inactive makes it harder for the body to keep blood sugar levels normal. And he finally understood why … a difference When he went back to his doctor for another blood test, Jerry's blood sugar had dropped below the …
Health topics
… Overview People with diabetes sometimes get very low blood sugar. If they are unconscious, they need glucagon … you may need to give them the glucagon shot or nose spray during a low blood sugar emergency. Learn the steps for how … a clean injection site on the buttock, upper arm, or thigh. If an alcohol swab is available, use it to clean the …
Health topics
… (benign). Most cervical polyps are first discovered during a pelvic examination. Usually only a single polyp … to an increase in estrogen levels, or congestion of blood vessels in the cervical canal. What are the symptoms? … to an increase in estrogen levels, or congestion of blood vessels in the cervical canal. What are the symptoms? …
Health topics
… ovarian cancer. For example, the risk of ovarian cancer is higher for those who have BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene changes than … get a physical examination. You may also get tests. One blood test is called CA-125. You may also get an ultrasound … check you for ovarian cancer if a lump is found on an ovary during a pelvic examination or an ultrasound . You will …
… life-threatening side effect may lead to a low number of blood cells such as red cells, white cells, and platelets. … problems. Your doctor will check the results of your blood tests and adjust your treatment to reduce your risk … who may become pregnant should not handle this medication. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …
Health topics
… body goes through lots of physical and emotional changes during the first trimester of pregnancy. Learn what to … don't feel dizzy when you lie on your back, then plenty of blood is reaching your brain. If you feel dizzy when lying … presses on your major arteries and veins and can reduce the blood flow to you and your baby. Useful resources Pregnancy …