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4978 results found
… rarely cause an increase in the level of calcium in your blood or urine. Tell your doctor right away if you notice … history, especially of: a certain mineral imbalance (high calcium levels in the blood or urine) thin skin in the … the doctor regularly so your child's height can be checked. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …
Health topics
… can also take in the mercury. The metal builds up in your bloodstream over time. It slowly leaves the body through … breast milk. For most people, eating a small amount of fish high in mercury isn't a health concern. Fish are part of a … for you and your child to eat. If you eat a lot of fish high in mercury, it may take up to a year for your mercury …
Health topics
… Take Action Open/close information section Health Topics Acupressure for Morning Sickness Acupuncture Arnica … Guided Imagery Healing Through Humour Healing Touch High-Protein Foods for Wound Healing Homeopathy Humour … Magnetic Field Therapy Massage Therapy Massage Therapy During Pregnancy Medical Cannabis Meditation Melatonin Milk …
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… your doctor removes it. How well does it work? The IUD is a highly effective method of birth control. IUDs are more than … Perforation is rare, but when it occurs, it's almost always during insertion. The uterus usually heals on its own after … your doctor removes it. How well does it work? The IUD is a highly effective method of birth control. IUDs are more than …
Health topics
… second year, their growth rates are less dramatic than during the first year, which often is reflected in how much … your toddler, the child will learn that these foods are highly desirable. The child may sneak these foods, beg for … your toddler, the child will learn that these foods are highly desirable. The child may sneak these foods, beg for …
… stay asleep longer, and lessen how often you wake up during the night, so you can get a better night's rest. … you get into bed. Do not take it with or right after a high-fat or heavy meal since it may not work as well. The … likely if you have used eszopiclone for a long time or in high doses. Tell your doctor or pharmacist right away if you …
Health topics
… at first and then spread across the pelvis. Severe cramps during pregnancy, with or without heavy bleeding, may be a … you cannot move, or it can be mild. You may also pass large blood clots or grey or pink tissue. Belly pain during later … you cannot move, or it can be mild. You may also pass large blood clots or grey or pink tissue. Belly pain during later …
Health topics
… it hard for you to fall asleep, stay asleep, or stay awake during the day. It also can make you feel weak, or you may … levels begin to rise in the mid- to late evening, remain high for most of the night, and then go down early in the … levels begin to rise in the mid- to late evening, remain high for most of the night, and then go down early in the …
Health topics
… more information on how to support yourself or a loved one during this period, see After labour and care for new moms … Reproductive Mental Health Managing emotional changes during pregnancy Child/Youth/Young adult For young people, … In the short term, stress can help you perform better under pressure, but constant stress can pose problems for your …
… the mouth/eye/skin/genitals. The risk for infections may be higher if you also take other drugs that suppress the immune … You should have a tuberculosis (TB) skin test before and during treatment with this medication. Tell your doctor if … may cause serious (sometimes fatal) problems from blood clots (such as deep vein thrombosis, heart attack, …