4978 results found
Health topics
… Sexual comments or gestures about your body or lifestyle. Pressure for sexual favours. Sexual assault can be any sort … sexual act, including touching or grabbing. MST can happen during war, peace, or training. It can be man-to-woman, … Sexual comments or gestures about your body or lifestyle. Pressure for sexual favours. Sexual assault can be any sort …
… life-threatening side effect may lead to a low number of blood cells such as red cells, white cells, and platelets. … problems. Your doctor will check the results of your blood tests and adjust your treatment to reduce your risk … who may become pregnant should not handle this medication. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …
Health topics
… abdomen, groin, and genital area. Other symptoms include blood in the urine (hematuria), painful or frequent … glands produce too much of a hormone. This leads to higher calcium levels and may form kidney stones. What … stones is not drinking enough water. Your diet. Diets high in protein and sodium increase your risk for kidney …
Health topics
… lumbar spinal stenosis. This surgery is done to relieve pressure on the spinal nerve roots. It removes bone (parts … an older adult. About 10 out of 100 people have problems during or after this kind of surgery. footnote 1 This means … . A deep infection in the surgical wound. A skin infection. Blood clots. Nerve injury, including weakness, numbness, or …
Medical tests
… scan uses X-rays to make pictures of the head and face. During the test, you will lie on a table that is attached to … to see on the CT pictures. The dye may be used to check blood flow and look for tumours, areas of inflammation , or … 2 days. CT scan of the head and face Normal: The brain and blood vessels and bones of the skull and face are normal in …
Health topics
… need a hospital stay. You may have general anesthesia during arthroscopy, or you may have a regional nerve block . … Risks Along with the general risks of surgery, such as blood loss or problems related to anesthesia, complications … pain. Stiffness or a frozen shoulder . Infection. Nerve or blood vessel injury. Fractures . If too much bone gets …
Health topics
… Your doctor may do some simple tests (using your blood, breath, or stool) to look for signs of H. pylori … per week , moderate if you have 3 to 6 drinks per week, and high if you have 7 or more drinks per week. Some things that … per week , moderate if you have 3 to 6 drinks per week, and high if you have 7 or more drinks per week. Some things that …
Health topics
… straightening of the penis, the curvature is most obvious during an erection. The curvature may cause pain for the … Doppler flow studies, which use sound waves to monitor blood-flow patterns. How is Peyronie's disease treated? … Doppler flow studies, which use sound waves to monitor blood-flow patterns. How is Peyronie's disease treated? …
Health topics
… do a number of tests. These tests may include colonoscopy, blood tests, and stool sample testing. Testing can help rule … risk of cancer of the colon and rectum. This risk is higher than average if you have had ulcerative colitis for 8 … diary to find out which foods make your symptoms worse. During a flare-up, avoid or reduce these foods. Instead of …
… See also Precautions. Nose/throat dryness or irritation, blood-tinged mucus/phlegm, and nosebleeds may occur. If any … and people who use this medication for a long time and in high doses. Tell your doctor right away if any of the … the doctor regularly so your child's height can be checked. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …